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Pages 8 & 9

An Account of the Receipts and Payments in connection with

The Restoration and Enlargement of St James’ Church

Badsey, Worcestershire

Receipts £ s d
Donations 1443 6 0½
Collections in church 246 4 0¼
Entertainments 110 18 6
Bazaar and Sales 265 3 9¾
Various sources 65 16 5
£ 2131 8 10
Payments £ s d
Mr T Collins, Contractor 1748 10 5
Mr T Collins, Interest 34 19 4
Architect 110 14 1
Clerk of Works 69 10 0
Chairs 26 4 0
Lamps 24 0 0
Heating Apparatus 20 16 2
Printings, stationery and advertisements 25 3 9
Consecration of Churchyard (new portions) and legal expenses 21 6 10
Removing Organ 5 5 0
Hassocks, curtains, bell ropes, desks, mats, etc 25 1 10
Repairs to Chimes 3 0 11
Work in Churchyard and grass seeds 16 16 6
£ 2131 8 10

Arthur H Savory, Julius Sladden, Churchwardens