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Architectural Drawings from Badsey School

In the 1920s and 1930s at Badsey School, under the headship of Frank Amos, art played an important part in the curriculum at Badsey. A binder containing a number of architectural drawings has recently been found at Badsey First School and has been deposited at Worcestershire Record Office. The binder contains the following drawings:




BAYLISS, Berwick Bertram


Doorway, Badsey Church

GEDEN, George


Interior Plan of Council Houses, Badsey



Bretforton, St Laurence’s Church, North Window of Transept, c 1325



Exterior of Council Houses, Badsey

SUTTON, George


Hinton on the Green, St Peter’s Church



Kilpeck, Hereford, Norman, Details of Door



Overbury, Early English, c 1220



Overbury, Reticulated Tracery, Decorated Style, c 1325



Saxon Long and Short Work



Southwell Cathedral, Decorated Capital



Welford on Avon, Norman, 12th century



Winchcombe Church Perpendicular, c 1450

Unfortunately, most of the drawings are unsigned, but those that have been signed are shown below.

"Plan of Council Houses, Badsey" by Charles Henry Malin

"Plan of Council Houses, Badsey" by Charles Henry Malin

The above two plans, entitled "Plan of Council Houses, Badsey", were drawn by 12-year-old Charles Henry Malin (born 9th February 1909) and 13-year-old George William Geden (born 9th August 1907). Charles Malin’s family moved to the newly-built Council House at 3 Synehurst, Badsey, in 1920. The plan shows Nos 3 & 4 Synehurst. The exterior of the houses have changed remarkably little in 80 years. Today, the two side chimneys no longer exist, and there is a fence between the gardens.

Church architectural drawing by Samuel Hemming Johns

Church architectural drawing by George Lewis Sutton

The church architectural drawings above by Samuel Hemming Johns (born 21st August 1909) and George Lewis Sutton (born 13th August 1908) belong to the same era as the Council House drawings; the boys would have been about 13 at the time.

The plan of the doorway at Badsey is signed by B B Bayliss

The plan of the doorway at Badsey is signed by B B Bayliss. This was Bertram Berwick Bayliss (born 27th August 1919), who left Badsey School in 1933 at the age of 14.