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James Wesley Seal collection - from Elizabeth Bolland

Elizabeth Bolland (née Seal) has lived in Badsey since 1973. She donated the items in 2007, some 17 years after the death of her father, James Seal. James Wesley Seal (1910-1990), like his father before him, had been a farmer in Leicestershire. He retired from farming in 1974 and moved with his wife to Ebrington where he bought a thatched cottage and used a piece of Lord Fortescue’s land which he turned into an allotment. Following his death in 1990, his tools, which he had used in both Leicestershire and Ebrington, lay languishing in the Bollands’ garden at Wellwyn, Badsey, until Elizabeth Bolland saw a display of The Badsey Society’s market gardening equipment and offered to donate them.