Here is the full 24,264 word text of the 1815 Badsey award schedules transcribed by Maureen Spinks and Peter Stewart. The document should be read in conjunction with the Badsey enclosure map.
I, Frederick Phelps, do swear that I will faithfully, impartially and honestly, according to the best of my skill and ability, execute and perform the several Trusts, Powers and Authorities vested and reposed in me as a Commissioner by virtue of an Act intitled "An Act for Inclosing the Lands in the Parish of Badsey in the County of Worcester" according to equity and good conscience and without favour or affection, prejudice or partiality to any person or persons whomsoever, so help me God.
Frederick Phelps
I, Henry Clark, do swear that I will faithfully, impartially and honestly, according to the best of my skill and ability, execute and perform the several Trusts, Powers and Authorities vested and reposed in me as a Commissioner by virtue of an Act intitled "An Act for Inclosing the Lands in the Parish of Badsey in the County of Worcester" according to equity and good conscience and without favour or affection, prejudice or partiality to any person or persons whomsoever, so help me God.
Henry Clark
Memorandum that the above-named Frederick Phelps and Henry Clark took and subscribed the above written Oath pursuant to the directions of an Act of Parliament passed in the forty-first year of the reign of his present Majesty King George III intitled "An Act for consolidating in one Act certain provisions usually inserted in Acts of Inclosure and for facilitating the mode of proving the several parts usually required on the passing of such Acts", the 30th day of May 1812 at the dwelling-house of Giles Lawrance being the Northwick Arms Inn in Bengworth in the County of Worcester before they or either of them acted as Commissioners or Commissioner in the exercise or execution of the Powers and Trusts given by the said Act except in the exercise of the powers of signing and giving notice of the first public meeting of the Commissioners and of administering to each other the said Oath in the presence of Edward Savage.
The Award Orders, Regulations and Determinations
Of Frederick Phelps of Evesham and Henry Clark of Shipston upon Stower, both in the County of Worcestershire, Gentlemen, Commissioners for carrying out into Execution an Act of Parliament made and passed in the Fifty second year in the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland King Defender of the Faith entitled "An Act for Inclosing Lands in the Parish of Badsey, in the County of Worcester"
Whereas by an Act of Parliament made and past in the Forty first Year of The Reign of his present Majesty intitled "An Act for consolidating in one Act certain provisions usually inserted in Acts of Inclosure and for facilitating the mode of proving the several facts usually required for the passing of such Acts certain powers, authorities, directions and provisions are therein contained and are thereby declared to be binging and effectual in each particular case, unless otherwise provided and enacted in manner therein mentioned. And whereas in and by the said Act passed in the Fifty second Year of the Reign of His said Majesty It is recited that there were several open and Common Fields and other Commonable Lands in the Parish of Badsey, in the County of Worcester. That Edward Wilson, an Infant was or claimed to be Lord of the Manor of Badsey which comprised and extended over the whole of the said Parish That the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral Church of Christ in Oxford of the Foundation of King Henry the Eighth were Patrons of the perpetual Curacy of the Parish Church of Badsey aforesaid and were Impropriate Rectors of the Rectory of the said Parish and owners of the Great and Rectorial Tythes thereof Except as therein and herein after mentioned, subject to a subsisting Lease of the same Tythes for the term of twenty one Years granted by them to John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter, widow. That the Dean and Chapter were also owners of certain Tythes of Hay arising, renewing and growing in and upon certain Lands within the said Parish subject to a subsisting Lease of the same Tythes for years the beneficial interest in which Lease then belonged to the Most Honourable Mary Marchioness of Downshire. That the said Edward Wilson, the infant, and The Reverend Thomas Williams, Clerk, were or claimed to be owners in severalty of the great and small Tythes growing, arising or renewing in out of and upon two half Yard Lands belonging to them the said Edward Wilson and Thomas Williams respectively situate within the said Parish. That The Reverend Charles Phillott, Clerk, was the then present Curate and Incumbent of the said Parish Church of Badsey and as such was entitled to certain Glebe Land and right of Common thereto belonging and to certain great and small Tythes arising and renewing within the said Parish. That the said Edward Wilson, Thomas Byrd, Gentlemen, and others were owners and proprietors of the said Common Fields and Commonable Lands and of all old Inclosed Lands and grounds within the said Parish. And whereas after these recitals and an allegation contained in the said Act now in recital that it would be advantageous to the several proprietors interested in the said Common Fields and Commonable Lands to have the same divided and allotted among them in specific shares, and their several Allotments inclosed. It is by the said Act now in recital Enacted That the said Frederick Phelps and Henry Clark and their successors to be appointed in manner therein mentioned should be Commissioners for dividing, allotting and directing the Inclosure of the said Common Fields and Commonable Lands and for exercising the other powers thereby reposed in them subject to the Rules, orders and directions of the said recited Act except where the same are varied or altered. And it is thereby further Enacted that if any Commissioner named in the now reciting Act or to be chosen in manner herein after mentioned should die, neglect or refuse to act or become incapable of acting as a Commissioner in the Execution of the said Act, it should be lawful for the major part of value to be ascertained by the Land tax assessment of the proprietors of the Lands and Grounds thereby directed to be divided, allotted and Inclosed, assembled at a meeting to be appointed for that purpose in manner in the said reciting Act particularly directed by the writing under their Hands to nominate and appoint one or more Commissioner or Commissioners not interested in the same Division and Inclosure, instead of him or them so dying, neglecting, or refusing to act or become incapable of acting as aforesaid. And it is thereby further Enacted that after the said Commissioners should have taken and subscribed such Oath as they are required to take, and before they proceed to any further business touching the Execution of the act now in recital or the said recited Act, they should and were thereby authorised and required to appoint some person not interested in the said Division and Inclosure, to be an Umpire between them and in case such Person or any other Persons to be appointed an Umpire as therein after mentioned should die, for refuse to act or become incapable of acting as such, the said Commissioners should and they are thereby required forthwith to appoint another person not interested in the said Division and Inclosure to be an Umpire in his stead, and that whenever the said Commissioners should differ or disagree in opinion touching any matter or thing to be by them done or performed in pursuance of the act now in recital or the said recited Act then and in every such case the matter in question should be determined by the umpire so to be appointed as aforesaid whose determination therein should be deemed and acted upon the determination of the said Commissioners. And it is thereby provided and further Enacted that no Person should be capable of acting as Umpire in the Execution of the powers given by the said Act now in recital and the said recited Act until he should have take the Oath therein mentioned which Oath is should be lawful for the said Commissioners or either of them to Administer and the said Oath so taken and subscribed by such Umpire should be annexed to and inrolled with the Award of the said Commissioners and a Copy of the Inrollment thereof, should be deemed as legal evidence. And it is thereby further Enacted that each of the said Commissioners should be paid the Sum of Three Pounds and three Shillings for each day he should do attend in the Execution of the several powers and Execution of the trusts vested in him by the Act now in recital and that he should pay thereout his own Expenses. And it is thereby further Enacted that the said Commissioners should and they are thereby required to cause Notice in writing of the time and place of their first and every other subsequent Meeting for the exorcise of the power and execution of the trusts by the Act now in recital and the said recited Act vested in them to be affixed upon the principal Door of the Church of Badsey aforesaid upon some Sunday before Divine Service and to be published in the Worcester Newspapers, or one of them, at least eight Days before every such Meeting, Meetings by adjournment only excepted, and all the Meetings of the said Commissioners should be holden within the Parish of Badsey aforesaid or within Eight Miles of the boundary of the said Parish. But it is thereby provided that if only one Commissioner should attend at any such Meeting, such Commissioner might adjourn such Meeting to a future time not exceeding fourteen Days from the Day on which such Meeting was appointed to have been held giving Notice thereof to the absent Commissioner. And it is thereby further provided that all other notices necessary or requisite to be given by the said Commissioners in pursuance of the said recited Act or the Act now in recital should so be given by Advertisement in the Worcester Newspapers or one of them. And it is thereby further Enacted that if any dispute or difference should arise between any of the parties interested or claiming to be interested in the said Division and Inclosure touching his, her, or their respective rights or interests or the Quantities, Shares and proportions of and in the Lands and Grounds thereby directed to be divided, allotted and Inclosed which ought to be allotted to them or any of them upon the said Division or between any persons touching any Road or way to be set out by virtue of the Act now in recital or the said recited Act, it should be lawful for the said Commissioners to Examine into hear and determine the same. But it is thereby provided that nothing in the said Act now in recital contained should authorize the said Commissioners or Umpire to determine the title to any Messuages, Cottages, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments whatsoever. And the said Act now in recital empowers the said Commissioners to settle and Award such Costs and Charges, as they should think reasonable to be paid to the party or parties in whose favor any determination of the said Commissioners should be made by the person or persons whose claim or claims objection or objections should be disallowed and overruled and directs the mode of recovering such costs of the parties neglecting or refusing to pay the same. And it is thereby provided and further Enacted that in case any Person or Persons interested or claiming to be interested in the said Division and Inclosure should be dissatisfied with the determination of the said Commissioners or Umpire touching their several and respective rights, such person or persons is and are empowered by the said Act now in recital to try their right by an Issue of Law in manner by the said Act directed. And it is thereby further Enacted that if any of the parties in any Action to be brought in pursuance of the said Act should die pending the same such Action should not abate by reason thereof but should be proceeded in as if no such event had happened. And it is thereby provided and further Enacted that if any person or persons in whose favour any such determination should be made and against whom any such Action or Actions might have been brought if living should die before any such Action or Actions should have been brought and before the expiration of the time limited for bringing such Action or Actions it should be lawful for the person or persons, Bodies politic or Corporate, who might bring such Action or Actions against the person or persons so dying to bring the same within the time so limited against such person or persons as if actually living and to Serve the Clerk of the said Commissioners with Process for commencing such Actions or Actions in the same manner as the party or parties might have been Served therewith if living and that it should be incumbent on the Heir or Heirs or other person or persons who should claim the benefit of such determination to appear and defend such Action or Actions in the name or names of the person or persons so dead and proceedings should be had thereon in the same manner as if such person or persons had been actually living. And that the rights of all persons should be equally bound and concluded by the event of such Action or Actions. And it is thereby also provided and further Enacted that nothing in the said Act now in recital should extend to enable the said Commissioners to determine any right between any parties contrary to the possession of any such parties except in case of Encroachments made within the period therein and herein after mentioned. But that in case the said Commissioners should be of opinion against the rights of the person or persons so in possession they should forbear to make any determination thereupon until the possession should be given up or recovered from such Persons or Persons by Ejectment or other due course of Law. And it is thereby further Enacted that if any of the parties interested in the said Division and Inclosure should died before the Execution of the Award of the said Commissioners, the powers and authorities thereby given to the said Commissioners should not determine or be suspended, but the said Commissioners should proceed to Execute the powers and authorities given to them by the Act now in recital in such manner as they might have done in case such parties had not died. And that the share or shares of the person or persons so dying should be allotted to the person or persons who by descent, will or otherwise should be intitled to the same and he, she or they should accept and fence the Lands and Hereditaments to be allotted to him, her or them according to the directions of the said Act now in recital and the said recited Act and should in every other respect be subject to the powers contained in the said Acts and to the rules, orders and directions to be contained in the Award of the said Commissioners. And it is thereby further Enacted that all Encroachments which at any time within twenty years then last past had been upon the Common and Waste Grounds thereby intended to be divided, allotted and Inclosed should be deemed part thereof and should be divided and allotted accordingly. And in case any dispute or difference should arise touching any such Encroachment or the extent thereof, such dispute should be investigated, settled and determined by the said Commissioners. And it is thereby further Enacted that it should be lawful for the said Commissioners with the concurrence and order of two Justices of the Peace for the said County of Worcester, subject to Appeal as in the said first recited Act, is mentioned to stop up and discontinue any of the public Roads or Ways within the said Parish which should be deemed unnecessary, and to widen, turn and alter any such Roads or ways within the said Parish as should be deemed proper to be widened, turned or altered and all such public Roads as should stopped up or discontinued should be deemed part of the Lands thereby intended to be divided, allotted and inclosed and should be allotted to such of the said proprietors of the adjoining Lands as the said Commissioners should think fit. And it is thereby further Enacted that all open and Commonable Lands within the said Parish and all Inclosures detached from Homesteads and not exceeding in quantity two Acres each and also all Inclosures containing the property of two or more persons and situate within one Fence and also all Inclosures containing the property of one person only if the same be held under different tenures or interests should be deemed and considered part of the Lands to be divided and allotted under the now reciting Act and should be divided and allotted accordingly. And it is thereby further Enacted that the said Commissioners should, if they should think it necessary, but not otherwise before they make any other Allotment of the said Common Fields and other Commonable Lands set out and allotted such parts or parcels of the said Commonable Lands within the said Parish as they shall think proper not exceeding two Acres as and for public Stone and Gravel pits with convenient Roads and ways to and from the same respectively, to be used in common by the respective proprietors of Lands and Estates and their Tenants as well for their respective necessary uses within the said Parish as for the repairs of the public and private Roads within the same and such Allotment or Allotments should be vested in the Surveyor of the Highways of the said Parish for the time being, In trust for the purposes aforesaid and should be Inclosed and Fenced in such manner as the said Commissioners should in and by their Award order and direct. And it is thereby further Enacted that the said Commissioners should set out and allot unto and for the Lord or Lords of the Manor of Badsey aforesaid such parts of the Common and Waste Grounds by the said Act now in recital directed to be divided and allotted as in the Judgment of the said Commissioners should be equal in value to one fifteenth part thereof. Roads excepted in lieu of and as a full recompense and satisfaction for his or their right of Soil in the said Common and Waste Grounds. And it is thereby further Enacted that the said Commissioners should in the next place set out, allot and Award unto and for Charles Phillott, as Curate of Badsey aforesaid, and his Successor Curates aforesaid for the time being so much and such parts and parcels of the Lands and Grounds by the said Act now in recital directed to be divided, allotted and Inclosed as in the Judgment of the said Commissioners should be a full equivalent compensation and satisfaction for all the Glebe Land and right of Common belonging to him and them as Curates as aforesaid within the Open and Common Fields and other Commonable Lands in Badsey aforesaid. And it is thereby further Enacted that the said Commissioners should set out and allot free from all deductions and Expenses unto and for the Impropriators of the said Rectorial or Great Tythes and the several persons intitled to Tythes within the said Parish of Badsey and in lieu of their respective Tythes arising within the said Parish such parcels of Lands and Grounds by the Act now in recital intended and authorized to be allotted and Inclosed within the said Parish of Badsey as in the Judgement of the said Commissioners should be of the value therein and herein after mentioned. And it is thereby further Enacted that the compensation to made under and by virtue of the said Act now in recital for and in lieu of Tythes should be as follows, that it to say, in all cases where both great and small Tythes are payable, it should not be less than two ninths of the Arable and one ninth of the Meadow or pasture Grounds, Homesteads, Gardens, Orchards and Woodlands out of which the said Great and small Tythes Issue and in those cases where Tythes were only partially due and payable it should be such as in the Judgment of the Commissioners should be a full equivalent compensation and satisfaction for such Tythes as were due and payable and the said Commissioners should apportion the several Allotments which should be set out as a compensation for Tythes between the respective persons according to their respective proportions, rights and properties therein and should cause such several Allotments to be respectively divided and Inclosed in severalty but it is by the said Act now in recital provided that nothing therein contained should prejudice, lessen or defeat the right or title of the Curate of Badsey aforesaid for the time being to any Mortuaries Easter Offerings or Surplice fees arising, or becoming due to him within the said Parish. And it is thereby further Enacted that in case any of the owners or proprietors of any Homesteads, Gardens, Orchards, Homesteads and other Inclosed Lands and Grounds within the said Parish of Badsey should not have or purchase or otherwise be intitled to a sufficient quantity of the open Common Fields, Commonable Lands and other Lands and Grounds by the said Act now in recital directed to be divided, allotted and Inclosed to make compensation for the Tythes of such Homesteads, Gardens, Home Closes and other Inclosed Lands and Grounds by such Allotments and in such proportions as are therein and herein and herein before directed respecting the Allotments for or in lieu of Tythes, such proprietors should respectively pay or cause to be paid to such Person or Persons and at such time or times as the said Commissioners should adjudge and determine to be a full compensation and satisfaction for the Tythes of such Homesteads, Gardens, Orchards Home Closes, or other Inclosed Lands and Grounds respectively or for such parts thereof for which a compensation cannot be made by the proprietor thereof as aforesaid which Sum or Sums of Money should be raised, levied and recovered in like manner as the charges and Expenses of obtaining and passing the said Act now in recital and of carrying the same into Execution were directed to be levied and recovered and should be applied in payment of such parts and proportions of the Expenses of obtaining and executing the said Act as ought to be paid by the respective persons whose Lands might be set out for discharging from Tythes such Homesteads, Gardens, Orchards and Home Closes or other Inclosed Lands and Grounds. And that in case such last mentioned Sum or Sums of Money should be more than sufficient to pay and discharge the said respective proportions of the Cost, Charges and Expenses of obtaining the Act now in recital and of carrying the same and the said first recited Act into execution the residue and remainder of such sum and sums of Money should be divided amongst and paid to the several proprietors of the said open and Common Fields, Commonable Lands and other Lands and Grounds whose Lands had been taken and appropriated for the purpose of discharging such last mentioned old Inclosed Lands from Tythes in such proportions as they should be respectively intitled thereto. And if any such last mentioned proprietors of the said Open and Common Fields, Commonable Lands and other Lands and Grounds should not be Tenants in Fee Simple, then such shares and proportions of such surplus Money should be applied and disposed of in the same manner as any Sum of Money to be paid for the purchase or Exchange of any Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments or of any Timber or Wood growing thereon and which Sum of Money ought to be laid out in the purchase of other Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments to be settled to the same uses as was by the said first recited Act authorized or directed to be applied and disposed of. And it is thereby further Enacted that the said Commissioners should set out and allot all the rest, residue and remainder of the said Lands and Grounds by the Act now in recital directed to be divided and allotted unto and amongst the several and respective Persons, Bodies politic and Corporate which at the time of making such Allotments should be intitled to any Estate, property, Common right or other interest therein according to their respective rights or interests and in such quantities, shares and proportions as the said Commissioners should Judge and deem to be a lawful compensation for the several and respective Lands, Ground rights, properties and interest of each of the said proprietors. And it thereby further Enacted the said Commissioners should cause the several Allotments which should be set out as a compensation for Tythes as aforesaid to be inclosed and Ring fenced with Ditches and Quickset Fences properly guarded on both sided with good Posts and Rails and that the whole Expense of making and keeping such fences in repair for the space of seven Years next after planting of such Quickset Fences, except on such parts as the said Commissioners should order and direct to be fenced by some other Proprietor, should be deemed and considered as part of the Expense of carrying the said Act now in recital and the said first recited Act into Execution and to be borne and defrayed accordingly. And it is thereby further Enacted that the said Commissioners should by the Award to be by them Executed to be direct and declare by whom within what time and how and in what manner the Fences between the several Allotments to be set out and Inclosed under and by virtue of the said Act now in recital should be made and for ever after the making thereof be kept in repair. And it is thereby provided that convenient Gaps and Openings should be left in the Fences to any Allotments to be made by virtue of said reciting Act for the space of three Calendar Months next after the Execution of the said Award for the passing of Cattle Carts and Carriages in and through the same unless the said Commissioners should in and by their Award or other Instrument in writing under their Hands appoint a longer time for that purpose and then for such times as they should appoint, And it is thereby further Enacted that it should be lawful for the said Commissioners to set out an allot and Award any Messuages, Buildings, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments within the said Parish of Badsey in lieu of and in Exchange for any other Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments therein or in any adjoining Parish, Hamlet, Township or place provided that all such Exchanges of any Messuages, Buildings, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments are made with the consent of the owner or owners, proprietor or proprietors of Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments which should be so Exchanged whether such owner or owners, proprietor of proprietors should be a Body or Bodies politic, or Corporate or a Tenant or Tenants in Fee Simple or for life or in Fee tail general or special or by the Courtesy of England or for Years determinable on any life or lives or with the consent of the Guardians, Trustees, Feoffees for charitable or other uses, Husbands, Committees or Attorneys of or acting for any such proprietors or owners as aforesaid who at the time of making such Exchange or Exchanges should be respectively Infants, Femes Covert, Lunatics or under any other legal disability or who should be beyond the Seas or otherwise disabled to act for themselves, himself or herself. Such consent to be testified in writing under the Common Seal of the Body politic Corporate or Collegiate and under the Hands of the other consenting parties respectively and all and every Exchange and Exchanges so to be made should be good, valid and effectual in the Law to all intents and purposes whatsoever. But it is thereby provided that no Exchange should be made of any Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments held in right of any Church, Chapel or other Ecclesiastical Benefice without the consent testified as aforesaid of the Patron of such Church, Chapel or Benefice and also of the Lord Bishop of the Diocese in which such Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments so to be Exchanged should be and be situated and that all such Exchanged should be ascertained, specified and declared in the Award of the said Commissioners. And it is thereby further Enacted that all Costs, Charges and Expenses attending the making of any Exchanges or partitions by virtue of the Act now in recital or the said first recited Act should be paid, borne and defrayed by the said several Persons making such Exchanges or Partitions in such manner and in such proportions as the said Commissioners should by their Award order or direct. And the said Act now in recital contains another clause for making void all Leases and Agreements at rack Rent upon the twenty ninth day of September next after the passing of the said Act now in recital under such circumstances and conditions with respect to leaving as the said Commissioners should direct another clause that nothing in the said Act now in recital should extend to revoke, make void, alter or annul any Will or Settlement or to prejudice any Person having any right or claim of Dower Jointure Portion, Debts, Rents or Incumbrances out of upon or affecting any of the Messuages, Lands or Hereditaments to be divided, allotted or Exchanged by virtue of the said Act now in recital or the said first recited Act or any part or parts thereof respectively but that the several Messuages, Lands and Hereditaments to be as aforesaid divided, allotted or Exchanged should immediately after making such Allotments and Exchanges be remain and Enure and the Several Persons to whom the same should be allotted or given in Exchange should from thenceforth stand and be seized or possessed thereof respectively to for and upon such and the same Estates uses and Trusts and subject to such and the same Wills, Settlements, limitations, remainders, charges and Incumbrances as the Messuages, Lands and Hereditaments in lieu whereof such Allotments and Exchanged should be made or ought to have be held for or subject or liable to have been charged with and affected by in case the same had remained unallotted, uninclosed or unexchanged or the Act now in recital had not been made. Another Clause authorizing the Commissioners to direct and order any Streams, Springs or Watercourses in the Parish to be conveyed in such courses and through such Lands as they should think proper. But it is provided that no such Streams, Springs or Watercourses should be diverted without the consent in writing of the owners of Lands from which such Streams, Springs or Watercourses should be diverted and the owner or owners of the Lands into which the same should be turned. Another Clause authorizing the Commissioners to appoint the course of Husbandry that should be used in the Sillage parts of the said Common Fields as also as to the Stocking or depasturing the same with Cattle or Sheep. Another Clause Enacting that it should not be lawful for any Person or Persons during the term of Seven Years next after the Execution of the Award of the said Commissioners to depasture or keep any Cattle, Lambs or Sheep in or upon any of the Roads or Ways to be set out by the said Commissioners in or over the Lands or Grounds thereby intended to be divided and Inclosed or in any of the intended new Inclosures to be made under the Act now in recital unless the Person or Persons so depasturing or keeping such Cattle, Lambs or Sheep should at their own Expense affectually guard and Fence their Neighbours Quicksets adjoining to such Roads or Ways and Inclosures respectively in which Cattle, Lambs or Sheep should be depastured and kept as aforesaid so as to prevent any damage or injury being done to such Fences and Quicksets by any such Cattle, Lambs or Sheep, and that the Persons so respectively depasturing or keeping Cattle, Lambs or Sheep in or upon the said Roads or Ways as aforesaid or in the said new Inclosures and neglecting or refusing to guard their Neighbours Quicksets as aforesaid should be liable in every case to pay all such Damages as should be sustained by any other Person whomsoever by reason or on account of such depasturing and keeping Cattle, Lambs and Sheep as aforesaid to be recovered by Action of Dept on the leaso in any of his Majesty’s Courts of Record at Westminster. Another Clause directing that the charges and Expenses incident to and obtaining and passing of the said Act now in recital and of the Surveying, Measuring, planning, valuing, dividing and allotting of the Lands and Grounds thereby intended to be divided, allotted and inclosed, and of the Messuages, Homesteads and old Inclosed Lands and the preparing and Inroleing of the said Award or Instrument with the Map or Plan of the said Parish annexed and all the Costs and Charges attending the Execution of Act now in recital and the said first recited Act should be paid, borne and defrayed by all the owners and proprietors of and Persons interested in the said Lands and Grounds so thereby intended to be divided, allotted and Inclosed as aforesaid and the said Messuages. Homesteads and old Inclosed Lands and Grounds to be exonerated from Tythes by virtue of the Act now in recital, other than and except the said Dean and Chapter and their Successors and the said John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter and the said Dowager Marchioness of Downshire, their Lessees and the said Charles Phillott and his Successors Curates of Badsey aforesaid and the Person or Persons to whom any Allotment or Allotments should be assigned from whom any deduction be made for payment of Expenses in such shares and proportions as the said Commissioners should appoint by Rate or Rates to be made by them for that purpose. And also directing the mode of paying the several Sums of Money thereby rated and of recovering the same in case of non-payment thereof. And containing a Proviso empowering the said Commissioners upon the request of any one or more of the owners or proprietors of Lands and Ground thereby directed to be divided, allotted and inclosed or of any right or interest therein whether seized in Fee Simple or being Tenants in tail or for life or lives or for any number of Years determinable on a life or lives or for any determinable Estate or interest not being a mere tenancy at rack rent or at the request in writing of the respective Husbands, Guardians. Trustees, Committees, Receivers, Agents or Attorneys of or for any such owners or proprietors being under Coverture or Minors, Lunatics, beyond the Seas or under any other disability or incapacity or for the Persons acting as such Guardians, Trustees, Committees, Receivers, Agents or Attorneys or of the Trustees for any Charitable or public uses or a competent number of such Trustees or the major part of them respectively to deduct from the value and amount of the Allotment or Allotments of such owner or owners by upon or on whose behalf such request should be made as aforesaid so much Land as in the Judgment of the said Commissioners be equal to the share or proportion or respective shares and proportions of the Person or Persons by or on whose behalf any such request should be made of the charges and Expenses by passing the said Act now in recital and of carrying the same into Execution and to sell the Land so to be deducted in manner directed by the said first recited Act to any Person or Persons whomsoever and afterwards to Award the same to the purchaser or purchasers thereof who should from thenceforth become Seized thereof in fee Simple in Severalty free from all Incumbrances in manner directed by the said first recited Act. But it is also provided by the Act now in recital That in all cases where any Land should be deducted from the Allotment of any of the said proprietors or persons toward payment of Expenses as aforesaid, it should not be lawful for the Proprietors or Person from whose Allotment of Land should be deducted as aforesaid to charge his or her Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments by virtue of the said first recited Act or the Act now in recital with any Money towards payment of such Expenses. And it is thereby further provided that the quantity of Land to be deducted from any such Allotment should not exceed in value the Money authorized by the said first recited Act to be charged upon the Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments of such Proprietors or Persons. Another Clause directing the Expenses of obtaining the said Act now in recital to be repaid with interest. Another Clause appointing Thomas Beale Cooper Esquire Auditor of the said Commissioners Accounts and directing them once in every year to lay their Accounts before such Auditor. Another Clause allowing any person aggrieved by any thing done in pursuance of the said Act now in recital or the said first recited Act to Appeal in certain cases to the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for said County of Worcester. And the said Act now in recital concludes with a general saving of Rights As in and by the said two Several Acts of Parliament reference being had will more fully appear. And whereas the said Frederick Phelps and Henry Clark caused Notice in writing to be affixed upon the Door of the Parish Church of Badsey aforesaid upon Sunday the Seventeenth day of May On thousand eight hundred and twelve and to be published in the Worcester Herald on the Ninth day of the same month expressing the time and place of the first Meeting of the Commissioners for Executing the powers of the said two several recited Acts vested in them and which Meeting was in and by the said Notice appointed to be on Saturday he thirtieth day of May then instant at the Northwick Arms Inn in Bengworth in said County of Worcester being at least Eight days after giving, affixing and publishing the said Notice and within Eight Miles of the Boundary of the said Parish of Badsey. And whereas the said Frederick Phelps and Henry Clark attended at the time and place last mentioned and then and there qualified themselves to act as Commissioners by taking and subscribing the Oath by the said first recited Act appointed to be taken and subscribed by them but no proprietor having attended the same meeting, the said Commissioners adjourned the same to Monday the first day of June then next to meet at the same place to carry the several powers visited in them by the said last recited Act into execution.
And whereas the said Frederick Phelps and Henry Clark attended in pursuance of such adjournment at the time and place above mentioned and the several Proprietors then present did nominate Messrs Oldaker, Day, Lavender and M? to be the bankers into whose hands all monies to be raised and received by the said Commissioners should be paid and they appointed Hugh Jackson of Stamford in the County of Lincoln Esquire to be their Umpire to determine any dispute or difference that might arise between them bucking the said Inclosure. They also appointed Edward Phillips of the City of Coventry Land Surveyor to take a survey and admeasurement and also a map or plan of all the Lands and Grounds directed by the said last recited Act to be divided and allotted and also of all inclosed Lands and Tytheable Tenements with the said Parish.
And whereas the said Commissioners proceeded to enquire into the boundaries of the said Parish of Badsey and found the same to be sufficiently ascertained and distinguished and whereas the several Proprietors of Lands and Hereditaments in the said Parish delivered to the said Commissioners an Account or Schedule in writing of their respective rights and claims in manner directed by the said first recited Act but no objections were made to the several claims contained in the said schedule And whereas the said Commissioners have carefully viewed and valued the said Open and Common Fields, Meadows, Pastures and other Commonable Lands directed by the said second recited Act to be divided allotted and Inclosed and also the Inclosed Lands and Tytheable Tenements with the said Parish and caused a survey and admeasurement and also a map and a plan to be made of the same by the said Edward Phillips in which survey and plan were marked and distinguished all such particulars as were necessary to be known by the said Commissioners for discharging their duty in making the said division, Allotments and Inclosures and the said survey and plan have been laid before them at their several meetings whenever they descried or had occasion to see or refer to the same.
And whereas the said Commissioners have set out and appointed public Carriage Roads and also private Carriage Roads, Bridge Ways and Foot Paths through and over the Lands and Grounds directed to be divided allotted and inclosed in ? as the said first recited Act directs and have appointed William Fisher of Bengworth aforesaid gentleman to be the Surveyor of the said Roads and have made a rate for forming and repairing the same.
And whereas the said Commissioners caused a map of such Roads to be prepared and left at the office of Mr William Law Phelps their Clerk situate in Evesham in the said County of Worcester for the inspection of all persons concerned and also caused notices to be affixed on the door of the Parish Church of Badsey aforesaid and to be inserted in the Worcester Newspapers of their having set out such Roads and deposited such map and did therein describe the outlines of the same Roads and did also in such notice appoint meetings to be held at the Northwick Arms Inn in Bengworth aforesaid for hearing the objections of any person who might think themselves aggrieved by the setting out of such Roads and after hearing the same and also evidence in support thereof the said Commissioners determined the disputes arising thereon with which determination all the parties acquiesce.
And whereas the said Commissioners having ascertained that there are no materials either of stone or gravel of sufficient quality to be discovered on any part of the Lands and Grounds by the said second recited Act directed to be divided allotted and inclosed they by virtue of the discretion granted to them by the said Act did not set out any Land for stone or gravel pits. And the said Commissioners completed and finished the division and allotments of the said Open and other Commonable Lands by the said second recited Act directed to be divided allotted and inclosed pursuant to the purport and directions thereof and have in all things conformed themselves to the directions of both the said recited Acts.
Now these presents witness that they the said Commissioners Frederick Phelps and Henry Clarke by virtue of the powers and authorities to them given and committed in and by the said two several recited Acts of Parliament and in pursuance and in execution thereof have set out an appointed and by these presents do set out and appoint the following Roads, that is to say:
No 1 Bretforton Road
One public Turnpike Road of the width of forty feet marked No 1 on the surveyor’s map commencing at the Hamlet of Aldington and leading from the Town of Evesham aforesaid towards the Village of Bretforton in an Eastwardly direction and in its usual track until it enters the Parish of Bretforton aforesaid.
No 2 The Evesham Road
One public Carriage Road and Highway of the width of forty feet marked No 2 on the said map leading in a Southwardly direction out of the said Turnpike Road over the Leys and from thence in a Westwardly direction of the width of thirty-five feet until it enters the Village of Badsey.
No 3 The Wickhamford Road
One public Carriage Road and Highway of the breadth of thirty-five feet marked No 3 on the said map leading in an Eastwardly direction out of the Village of Badsey aforesaid until it enters the Green, from thence in a Southwardly direction over the West side of the said Green until it enters Bully Brook Lane and from thence in or near its usual track before it communicates with the Willersey Road.
No 4 The Willersey Road
One other Public Carriage Road and Highway of the breadth of forty feet marked No 4 on the said map commencing from the termination of the last described Road and leading in a Southward direction to Frances Grave from thence in an Eastwardly direction on the North side of Laid Hedge to Pear Tree Close belonging to Thomas Byrd and from thence in a Southwardly and Eastwardly direction until it enters the Parish of Willersey on the East side of Common called Dry Leys.
No 5
One public Bridle Road and private Carriage Road and Drift Way of the breadth of twenty feet marked No 5 commencing at the Willersey Road and extending in an Eastwardly direction until it communicates with the Parish of Bretforton at Allens Gate, the Carriage Road for the use of the proprietors of Lands adjoining
No 6
One public Foot Path of the breadth of four feet No 6 on the said plan, commencing at the Parish of Wickhamford and extending in as Eastwardly direction over the fourth Allotment to the said Reverend Charles Phillott until it communicates with the Willersey Road.
No 7
One public Foot Path of the breadth of four feet marked No 7 on the said plan, commencing at the Carriage Road and Drift Way herein after described marked No 11 near to an Old Inclosure belonging to Edward Wilson Esquire called Bully Brook Close in Greenhills Bush Furlong and extending in a Southwardly direction in its usual track until it communicates with the Willersey Road at the Drain.
No 8
One private Carriage Road and Drift Way of the breadth of thirty-five feet marked No 8 on the said plan commencing at the Village of Badsey, extending in an Eastwardly and Southwardly direction until it communicates with the Wickhamford Road at the East end of Gibbs Lane.
No 9
One other private Carriage Road and Drift Way of the breadth of thirty feet marked No 9 on the said plan, commencing at the last described Road and extending in an Eastwardly direction until it communicates with the Allotments herein after awarded to Joseph Jones and John Procter and for their use.
No 10
One other private Carriage Road and Drift Way of the breadth of thirty feet marked No 10 on the said plan, branching out of the said herein before described Road marked No 8 and extending in an Eastwardly direction until it communicates with Pitchness Closes belonging to Thomas Byrd for the use of John Gibbs, Joseph Jones, Thomas Byrd and Edward Wilson.
No 11
One other private Carriage Road and Drift Way of the breadth of twenty-five feet marked 11 on the said plan, branching out of the said Wickhamford Road in a South-East direction until it enters the third Allotment to John Jones.
And the said Commissioners hereby order and direct that the Fences herein after directed to be made on both sides of the said public Carriage Roads shall be made and completed within six months from the date and execution of these presents.
And the said Commissioners hereby direct and award that the Grass and Herbage arising and growing upon the said public and private Roads and Ways shall for ever hereafter belong to and be the sole right of the proprietors of the Lands and Grounds which shall next adjoin the said Roads and Ways on either side thereof as far as the crown of the said Roads.
And the said Commissioners in further pursuance of the powers and authorities to them given and by the said two several recited Acts of Parliament and in further execution thereof have nominated and appointed and do hereby nominate and appoint William Fisher to be Surveyor of the said public Carriage Roads and they order and direct that the said Surveyor shall in the execution of his said office conform to the rules and directions prescribed in and by the said several Acts.
And the said Commissioners the said Frederick Phelps and Henry Clark by virtue and in further pursuance of the powers and authorities to them given in and by the said two several recited Acts of Parliament and in further exercise an execution thereof have awarded allotted set out appointed and divided and do by this present award in writing Ingrossed on parchment and executed by them the said Commissioners award allot set out appoint and divide All and singular the said Open and Common fields and Commonable Lands within the said Parish of Badsey by the second recited Act directed to be divided allotted and inclosed containing according to statute measure 863 acres 2 roods and 32 perches Roads included and 851 acres 1 rood and 34 perches Roads excluded unto and amongst the several Persons in the parts shares and proportions manner and form for the purposes and subject to the rules orders regulations directions and determinations herein after mentioned expressed and contained and which parts shares and proportions as delineated on the map or plan hereunto annexed, that is to say:
The Lord or Lords of the Manor of Badsey, Allotment, 1.0.10
Unto the Lord or Lords of the Manor of Badsey and his or their Heirs All that Allotment or parcel of Land situate upon the Leys containing one acre and ten perches and bounded on the North by an Allotment herein after awarded to Samuel Jelfs, on the East by the said Evesham Road and on all other sides thereof by old Inclosures belonging to the Reverend Thomas Williams, Thomas Byrd and Edward Wilson, which said Allotment is in the agreement of the said Commissioners equal in value to one fifteenth part Roads excepted of the Waste Lands within the said Manor and is in lieu full bar of and satisfaction for his or their right of soil in the said Common and Waste Grounds within the said Manor.
The Dean and Chapter of Christ Church, Oxford, and John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter their Lessees for the Great Tythes, 1st Allotment, 12.1.8
Unto the very Reverend the Dean and Chapter of the Chapter of the Cathedral Church of Christ in Oxford and their Lessees John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter as Impropriate Rectors of the Parish and Parish Church of Badsey aforesaid and their successors according to their several and respective estates, rights and interests therein for and in lieu of certain portions of the Great Tythes, All those six several Allotments or parcels of Land next herein after awarded, that is to say, All that Allotment of Land situate in the Sand Field containing twelve acres one rood and eight perches including the private Road leading over the same and bounded on the East by old Inclosures and an Allotment herein after awarded to the said Thomas Byrd, an Allotment herein after awarded to William Wilson and an old Inclosure herein after given in Exchange to the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessees, on the South by the said last mentioned Inclosure and an old Inclosure belonging to the said Edward Wilson, on the West by an old Inclosure belonging to the said Edward Wilson, and an Allotment herein after awarded to John Jones, on the North by the said last mentioned Allotment and old Inclosures belonging to the said Edward Wilson and Thomas Byrd.
The Dean and Chapter of Christ Church, Oxford, and John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter their Lessees for the Great Tythes, 2nd Allotment for Tythes, 110.3.4
Also all that other Allotment situate in the Meerden, Foxhill and Bully Brook Fields containing one hundred and ten acres three roods and four perches including the private Road across the same, bounded on the East by an Allotment herein after awarded to the said John Jones, the Parish of Bretforton, an Allotment herein after awarded to John Slatter and an old Inclosure herein after given in Exchange to the said John Slatter, on the South by the said last mentioned Allotment and old Inclosures, by an old Inclosure called Hancocks Close herein after given in Exchange to the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessees the said John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter, on the West by an Allotment herein after awarded to the said Charles Phillott and certain old Inclosures received by him in Exchange, by the said Hancocks Close, an Allotment herein after awarded to the said Thomas Williams and an old Inclosure called Abrahams Well Meadow herein after given in Exchange to the said Dean and Chapter and their said Lessees, and on the North by Bully Brook and the third Allotment herein after awarded to the said John Jones.
The Dean and Chapter of Christ Church, Oxford, and John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter their Lessees for the Great Tythes, 3rd Allotment, 7.0.24
Also all that Allotment or parcel of Land situate in Hadshill Field containing seven acres and twenty-four perches and bounded on the East by the third Allotment herein after awarded to the said William Wilson, on the South by the Bretforton Road, on the West by the first Allotment herein after awarded to Sarah Harrington and others and certain old Inclosures herein after given to them in Exchange, and on the North by the second Allotment herein after also awarded to the said Sarah Harrington and others.
The Dean and Chapter of Christ Church, Oxford, and John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter their Lessees for the Great Tythes, 4th Allotment, 1.3.18
Also all that Allotment or parcel of Land situate in the Hadshill Field containing one acre three roods and eighteen perches and bounded on the East by the ninth Allotment herein after awarded to the said Charles Phillott as Curate as aforesaid and herein after given in Exchange to the said William Wilson, on the South by the said Bretforton Road, on the West by the third Allotment herein after awarded to the said William Wilson, on the North by old Inclosures herein after given to the said William Wilson in Exchange with the said Charles Phillott as Curate as aforesaid and of an old Inclosure belonging to Jacob Smith Esquire, which said two last herein before mentioned Allotments are herein after given in Exchange to the said William Wilson.
The Dean and Chapter of Christ Church, Oxford, and John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter their Lessees for the Great Tythes, 5th Allotment, 4.0.25
Also all that other Allotment situate in Hadshill Field containing four acres and twenty-five perches, bounded on the East and South by the seventh and eighth Allotments herein after awarded to the said Charles Phillott as Curate as aforesaid, on part of the West by the sixth Allotment herein after awarded to the Reverend Thomas Williams, on the remaining part of the West by old Inclosures belonging to Thomas Byrd, and on the North by the fourth Allotment herein after awarded to the said John Procter for part of late Burrows’ estate.
The Dean and Chapter of Christ Church, Oxford, and John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter their Lessees for the Great Tythes, 6th Allotment, 3.1.8
Also all that Allotment or parcel of Land situate in Hadshill and Foxhill Fields containing three acres one rood and eight perches and bounded on the East by the sixth Allotment herein after awarded to the said Sarah Harrington and others, on the South by the third Allotment herein after awarded to the said Thomas Byrd, on the West by the third Allotment herein after awarded to Joseph Jones, and on the North by the fourth Allotment herein after awarded to the said Edward Wilson, which said two last mentioned Allotments are herein after given in Exchange to the said John Procter.
The Dean and Chapter of Christ Church and their Lessee the Marchioness of Downshire, 1st Allotment, 33.1.26
Unto the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessee the most Honourable Mary Dowager Marchioness of Downshire and their successors according to their several estates rights and interests therein for and in lieu of the Tythe of Hay arising and renewing within the said Parish, All that Allotment or parcel of Land situate in Meerden Field containing thirty-three acres one rood and twenty-six perches, bounded on the East by an Allotment herein after awarded to the Overseers of the Poor of Aldington and Badsey and an old Inclosure called Old Leys herein after given in Exchange to the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessee the said Marchioness of Downshire, on the South by the said last mentioned old Inclosure and the Parish of Broadway, on the West by the Parish of Wickhamford and the fourth Allotment herein after awarded to the said Charles Phillott as Curate as aforesaid, and on the North by the said last mentioned Allotment and the Willersey Road.
The Dean and Chapter of Christ Church and their Lessee the Marchioness of Downshire, 2nd Allotment, 33.1.26
Also all that other Allotment or parcel of Land situate in Foxhill Field containing two acres two roods and two perches bounded on the East by the Allotments herein awarded to the Churchwardens and Curate of Badsey, on the South and West by old Inclosures belonging to the said Thomas Byrd and on the North by the third Allotment herein Awarded to the said Joseph Jones, which said last mentioned Allotment is herein after given in Exchange to the said Thomas Byrd.
The Reverend Charles Phillott, Clerk, Curate of Badsey, 1st Allotment, 4.2.24
Unto the Reverend Charles Phillott Clerk and his successors Curates of Badsey aforesaid for and in lieu of certain portions of Tythes both Great and Small arising renewing and increasing within the said Parish of Badsey, All those Allotments or parcels of Lands next herein after mentioned, that is to say, All that Allotment or parcel of Land situate in Hadshill Field containing four acres two roods and twenty-four perches bounded on the East by an Allotment herein awarded to Joseph Harper, on part of the South by the said last mentioned Allotment and the remaining part of the South and the West by an Allotment herein after awarded to the said Charles Phillott, and on the North by the Bretforton Road.
The Reverend Charles Phillott, Clerk, Curate of Badsey, 2nd Allotment, 0.0.10
Also all that other Allotment or parcel of Land situate at the Ford in Bully Brook Lane containing ten perches, bounded on the East by Bully Brook, on the South by the said lane, and on the West by Glebe Land belonging to the said Charles Phillott situate in the Parish of Wickhamford.
The Reverend Charles Phillott, Clerk, Curate of Badsey, 3rd Allotment, 3.1.37
Also all that other Allotment of Land situate in Bully Brook Field containing three acres one rood and thirty-seven perches, bounded on the East by the second Allotment herein before awarded to the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessees the said John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter, on the South by an Allotment herein after awarded to John Slatter, on the West and part of the North by old Inclosures herein after Exchanged to the said Charles Phillott, and further part of the North by an old Inclosure herein after Exchanged with the said Dean and Chapter.
The Reverend Charles Phillott, Clerk, Curate of Badsey, 4th Allotment, 67.0.37
Also all that other Allotment or parcel of Land situate in Meerden Field containing sixty-seven acres and thirty-seven perches, bounded on the East by Allotments herein after awarded to William Smith and James Harris, the Willersey Road and the first Allotment herein before awarded to the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessee the Marchioness of Downshire, on the South by the last mentioned Allotment and the Parish of Wickhamford, on the West by the said Parish of Wickhamford and the fourth Allotment herein after awarded to the said Thomas Williams, and on the North by the said Willersey Road, the said Allotments to the said William Smith, James Harris, the said Thomas Williams and William Wilson, which said Allotment so awarded to the said Thomas Williams and William Wilson are afterwards awarded in Exchange to the said Charles Phillott.
The Reverend Charles Phillott, Clerk, Curate of Badsey, 5th Allotment, 6.0.21
Also all that Allotment situate in Bully Brook Field containing six acres and twenty-one perches, bounded on the East by old Inclosures belonging to the said Thomas Williams, on the South by an Allotment herein after awarded to the said Sarah Harrington and others, on the West by Bully Brook Lane, and on the North by Bully Brook, which said last mentioned Allotment is herein after given in Exchange to the said Thomas Williams.
The Reverend Charles Phillott, Clerk, Curate of Badsey, 6th Allotment, 7.0.9
Also all that other Allotment situate in Foxhill Field containing seven acres and nine perches, bounded on the East by an Allotment herein after awarded to Thomas Byrd, on the South and part of the West by old Inclosures belonging to the said Thomas Byrd, on the remaining part of the West by an Allotment herein before awarded to the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessee the said Marchioness of Downshire, and on the North by an Allotment herein after awarded to the Churchwardens of Badsey, which said Allotment is herein given in Exchange to Thomas Byrd.
The Reverend Charles Phillott, Clerk, Curate of Badsey, 7th Allotment, 2.1.1
Also all that other Allotment situate in Hadshill Field containing two acres one rood and one perch, bounded on the East and part of the South by an Allotment herein after awarded to Edward Wilson, on the remaining part of the South by an Allotment next herein after awarded, on the West by an Allotment herein after awarded to the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessees the said John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter, and on the North by an Allotment herein after awarded to John Procter for part of estate called Burrows.
The Reverend Charles Phillott, Clerk, Curate of Badsey, 8th Allotment, 4.1.22
Also all that other Allotment situate in Hadshill Field containing four acres one rood and twenty-two perches, bounded on the East by an Allotment herein after awarded to Edward Wilson, on the South by an Allotment herein after awarded to John Slatter, on the West by an Allotment herein awarded to the said Thomas Williams, and on the North by Allotments herein awarded to the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessees John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter and the Curate of Badsey, which said two last mentioned Allotments are herein Exchanged with John Procter for part of late Burrows’ estate purchased by him.
The Reverend Charles Phillott, Clerk, Curate of Badsey, 9th Allotment, 1.1.34
Also all that other Allotment situate in Hadshill Field containing one acre one rood and thirty-four perches, bounded on the North and East by old Inclosures belonging to Jacob Smith Esquire, on the South by the Bretforton Road and on the West by an Allotment herein awarded to the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessees John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter, and which said last mentioned Allotment is herein given in Exchange to William Wilson.
Edward Wilson for Tythes of One Half Yard Land, Allotment 4.3.5
Unto Edward Wilson and his Heirs and the Person or Persons who are entitled to the same for and in lieu of the Great and Small Tythes arising renewing and increasing in and upon One Half Yard Land and now in the possession of the said Edward Wilson, All that Allotment or parcel of Land situate in Hadshill Field containing four acres three roods and five perches, bounded on the East by an Allotment herein awarded to John Procter, on the South by an Allotment herein awarded to the said Sarah Harrington and others, on the West by the fourth Allotment herein awarded to the said Edward Wilson, and on the North by the Bretforton Road.
The Reverend Thomas Williams for the Tythes of One Half Yard Land, Allotment 4.0.8
Unto the said Thomas Williams and his Heirs and the Person or Persons who are entitled to the same for an in lieu of the Great and Small Tythes arising renewing and increasing in and upon One Half Yard Land now in the possession of the said Thomas Williams, All that Allotment situate in Bully Brook Field containing four acres and eight perches, bounded on the East by an Allotment herein awarded to the Dean and Chapter and their Lessees the said John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter and Hancocks Close, on the South by the Willersey Road, and on the West and North by an Allotment herein after awarded to the said Thomas Williams.
Which said several Allotments herein awarded to the said Dean and Chapter and their successors and their Lessees the said John Millard, John Benton, Ann Slatter and the said Marchioness of Downshire, the said Charles Phillott and his successors Curates of Badsey aforesaid and the said Edward Wilson and the Reverend Thomas Williams are in the judgment of the said Commissioners equal in value to two ninth parts of the Arable Lands within the said Parish and to one ninth part of all the Homesteads Orchards and old Inclosures Meadow and Pasture Land and Waste Grounds therein respectively and for the Great Tythes whereof compensation could be made in Land and which remained after the public and private Roads and Allotment for right of soil herein before awarded were taken out and deducted.
And the said Commissioners have deducted the said Allotments for the said Tythes from and out of the respective shares of the owners or proprietors of the Commonable and Waste Lands or other Lands liable to be directed intermixed and inclosed in proportion or according to the value or amount of such Tythes due and payable from them respectively as the said second recited Act directs And the several Allotments herein before awarded to the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessees the said John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter and the Marchioness of Downshire to the said Charles Phillott as such Curate as aforesaid and to the said Edward Wilson and Thomas Williams are in lieu of and full compensation and satisfaction to them for all Great and Small Tythes whatsoever growing arising renewing increasing and happening, or due and payable to them in upon from and out of the said Common fields, Meadows, Pastures, Commonable Land, Homesteads, Orchards, old Inclosures and other tytheable Tenements in the said Parish and for the Tythes whereof a compensation could be made in Land (except Easter offerings, Mortuaries and Surplice fees).
And for inclosing the said several Allotments herein before awarded to the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessees the said Reverend Charles Phillott, Edward Wilson and Thomas Williams, the said Commissioners order and direct that the Mounds and Fences on the East side of the first Allotment herein awarded to the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessees John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter next to Sand Close, those on the West side of the second Allotment next to the Allotments to Thomas Williams and those on the North and East sides of the same Allotment next to the Allotment of John Jones, those on the East, South and North sides of the first Allotment herein awarded to the Dean and Chapter and their Lessee the Marchioness of Downshire, those on the East and North sides of the first Allotment herein awarded to the said Charles Phillott, those on the South side of the second Allotment herein awarded to the said Charles Phillott, those on the East side of the third Allotment to the said Charles Phillott and those on the East of the fourth Allotment against the Willersey Road, the Allotment herein awarded to the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessee the said Marchioness of Downshire and the Allotment herein awarded to William Smith and James Harris respectively and on the North against the Willersey Road, the said Allotment to the said James Harris and Thomas Williams shall be made and kept in repair for the term of seven years from the date hereof by and at the expense of the several proprietors of and Persons interested in the Lands and Grounds by the said second recited Act directed to be divided, allotted and Inclosed except the said Dean and Chapter and their successors and their Lessees the said John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter and the Marchioness of Downshire, and the Reverend Charles Phillott and his successors Curates as aforesaid in the shares and proportions in which the said Commissioners have assessed the said proprietors and Persons towards general expenses and shall at all times for ever after the expiration of the said term be supported maintained and kept in repair by and at the expense of the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessees and the said Curate of Badsey for the time being and which said Fences together with the Fences of those Allotments hereby awarded to other proprietors which adjoin the said several Allotments herein before awarded to the said Dean and Chapter and their respective Lessees and the said Charles Phillott (together with the Fences of the ancient Inclosures also adjoining the same) will respectively Ring Fence the several Allotments so herein before awarded to the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessees and the said Reverend Charles Phillott as aforesaid.
Overseers of the Poor of Badsey, Allotment 0.2.38
And the said Commissioners hereby award and allot unto the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of Badsey and their successors in trust for the Poor of Badsey aforesaid in lieu of and for their right of cutting furze and bushes growing in and upon Dry Leys and Old Leys, All that Allotment or parcel of Land situate in Meerden Field containing two roods and thirty-eight perches and bounded on the East by the Willersey Road and an old Inclosure herein awarded in Exchange to the Churchwardens of Badsey and the South and West sides by the Allotment next herein awarded.
And the said Commissioners order and direct that the Mounds and Fences of the said Allotment lying next the Willersey Road shall be made and at all times for ever hereafter kept in repair by and at the expense of the said Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of Badsey aforesaid and their successors and the occupiers of the said Allotment for the time being.
Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of Badsey and Aldington, Allotment, 8.1.21
Unto the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of Badsey and the Hamlet of Aldington and their successors in trust for the Poor of the said Parish and Hamlet in lieu of the Commonable part of their estate and right of Common thereunto belonging, All that Allotment or parcel of Land situate in Meerden Field containing eight acres one rood and twenty-one perches, bounded on the East by the said last herein before awarded Allotment, by the old Inclosure herein awarded in Exchange to the Churchwardens of Badsey and on the remaining part of the East and South by the Parish of Broadway, on the West by an old Inclosure herein awarded in Exchange to the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessee the said Marchioness of Downshire and the Allotment herein awarded to them for Tythes, and on the North by the Willersey Road.
And the said Commissioners order and direct that the Mounds and Fences of the said Allotment next the Willersey Road and the Allotment herein awarded to the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of Badsey shall be made and at all times for ever hereafter kept in repair by and at the expense of the said Churchwardens and Overseers of the said Parish and Hamlet for the time being.
The Churchwardens of Badsey, Allotment, 1.1.34
Unto the Churchwardens of the Parish of Badsey and their successors in lieu of the Commonable part of their estate and right of Common thereunto belonging, All that Allotment or parcel of Land situate in Foxhill Field containing one acre and one rood and thirty-four perches, bounded on the East by an Allotment herein awarded to Thomas Byrd, on the South by the sixth Allotment herein awarded to the Curate of Badsey and herein awarded in Exchange to the said Thomas Byrd, on the West by the second Allotment herein awarded to the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessee the said Marchioness of Downshire and herein awarded in Exchange to the said Thomas Byrd, and on the North by the third Allotment herein after awarded to the said Joseph Jones, which said Allotment is herein awarded in Exchange to the said Thomas Byrd.
Thomas Byrd, 1st Allotment, 0.0.30
Unto Thomas Byrd and his Heirs in lieu of the Commonable part of his estate and right of Common thereunto belonging, All those four several Allotments next herein after awarded, that is to say, All that Allotment or parcel of Land situate in Broad Corner containing thirty perches, bounded on the East and South by old Inclosures belonging to the said Thomas Byrd and on the West by the Bretforton Road.
Thomas Byrd, 2nd Allotment, 0.1.13
Also all that other Allotment or parcel of Land situate in the Sand Field called Marge Ley containing one rood and thirteen perches, bounded on the East, South and North sides by an old Inclosure belonging to the said Thomas Byrd and on the West by an Allotment herein awarded to the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessees the said John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter.
Thomas Byrd, 3rd Allotment, 95.2.2
Also all that other Allotment or parcel of Land situate in the Hadshill and Foxhill Fields containing ninety-five acres two roods and two perches, bounded on the East by the Parish of Bretforton, on the South by an Allotment herein awarded to the said John Jones, on the West by old Inclosures belonging to the said Thomas Byrd and Allotments to the Curate of Badsey and Churchwardens of Badsey, and on the North by Allotments herein awarded to the said Joseph Jones, the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessees the said John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter, Sarah Harrington and others and John Procter.
Thomas Byrd, 4th Allotment, 3.1.38
Also all that other Allotment or parcel of Land situate in the Sand Field containing three acres one rood and thirty-eight perches, bounded on the East by an old Inclosure belonging to Edward Wilson, on the South by Sand Close, and on the West and North by an Allotment herein after awarded to the said Joseph Jones, which said last mentioned Allotment is herein awarded in Exchange to John Gibbs.
And the said Commissioners order and direct that the Mounds and Fences on the West side of the first herein before awarded Allotment, on that part of the West side of the second herein before awarded Allotment next Middle Land Furlong and on the East and North sides of the third Allotment shall be made and at all times for ever thereafter kept in repair by and at the expense of the said Thomas Byrd and the owners and occupiers of the said Allotment for the time being.
Joseph Harper, Allotment, 11.1.4
Unto Joseph Harper and his Heirs in lieu of the Commonable part of his estate and right of Common thereunto belonging, All that Allotment or parcel of Land situate in Hadshill Field containing eleven acres one rood and four perches, bounded on part of the East by the Parish of Bretforton, on the South and part of the West by an Allotment herein awarded to the said John Procter and herein after awarded in Exchange to the said Charles Phillott, on the remainder of the West and part of the North by the first Allotment herein awarded to the said Charles Phillott, on the remainder of the West and part of the North by the first Allotment herein awarded to the said Charles Phillott, on the remainder of the North by the fourth Allotment herein awarded to the said Joseph Jones and herein after awarded in Exchange to the said Joseph Harper and the Bretforton Turnpike Road, and the remaining part of the East by the last mentioned Allotment.
And the said Commissioners order and direct that the Mounds and Fences on the East and North sides of the said Allotment shall be made and at all times for ever thereafter kept in repair by and at the expense of the said Joseph Harper and the owners and occupiers of the said Allotment for the time being.
Mary Harrington and Others, 1st Allotment, 8.3.31
Unto Mary Harrington, Elizabeth Harrington and Sarah Harrington, All that Allotment situate in Hadshill Field containing eight acres three roods and thirty-one perches, bounded on the East side by an Allotment herein awarded to the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessees the said John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter, on the South side by the Bretforton Turnpike Road, on the West side by old Inclosures belonging to the Reverend Thomas Williams and on the North by old Inclosures belonging to the said John Jones and herein after awarded in Exchange to the said Mary Harrington, Elizabeth Harrington and Sarah Harrington.
Mary Harrington and Others, 2nd Allotment, 4.0.36
Also all that other Allotment situate in Hadshill Field containing four acres and thirty-six perches and bounded on the East and part of the South sides by the third Allotment herein awarded to William Wilson, on the remaining part of the South by an Allotment herein awarded to the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessees the said John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter, on the West and North sides by old Inclosures belonging to the said John Jones, John Slatter, Joseph Jones and Thomas Williams and herein after awarded in Exchange to the said Sarah Harrington.
Mary Harrington and Others, 3rd Allotment, 5.0.17
Also all that other Allotment situate in the Sand Field containing five acres and seventeen perches, bounded on the East by the third Allotment herein awarded to the said John Jones and on all other sides by sundry old Inclosures and the said Road marked No 11, which said Allotment is herein awarded in Exchange to the said John Jones.
Mary Harrington and Others, 4th Allotment, 7.0.36
Also all that other Allotment situate in Bully Brook Field containing seven acres and thirty-six perches, bounded on the East part by an Allotment herein awarded to the said William Wilson and afterwards Exchanged to the said Thomas Williams, on the South part by an Allotment herein awarded to Edward Savage, on the West part by the Wickhamford Road and on the North by the fifth Allotment herein awarded to the Reverend Charles Phillott and old Inclosures belonging to the Reverend Thomas Williams, which said Allotment is herein awarded in Exchanged to the said Thomas Williams.
Mary Harrington and Others, 5th Allotment, 24.1.34
Also all that other Allotment situate in Foxhill Field containing twenty-four acres one rood and thirty-four perches, bounded on the East side by the Parish of Bretforton, on the South by the Parish of Willersey, South-West by the Willersey Road and the North-West and North-East by an Allotment herein awarded to the said John Slatter, which said last mentioned Allotment is awarded in Exchange to John Slatter.
Mary Harrington and Others, 6th Allotment, 4.2.16
Also all that other Allotment situate in Hadshill Field containing four acres two roods and sixteen perches, bounded on the East side by an Allotment herein awarded to the said John Procter, on the South side by the third Allotment herein awarded to the said Thomas Byrd, on the West side by an Allotment herein awarded to the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessees the said John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter, and on the North side by the Allotment herein awarded to the said Edward Wilson for Tythes, which said last mentioned Allotment is herein awarded in Exchange to Joseph Jones.
And the said Commissioners order and direct that the Mounds and Fences on the East and South sides of the first Allotment shall be made and at all times for ever hereafter kept in repair by and at the expense of the said Mary Harrington, Elizabeth Harrington and Sarah Harrington and the owners and occupiers of the said Allotment for the time being.
James Harris, 1st Allotment, 0.0.37
Unto James Harris and his Heirs in lieu of the Commonable part of his estate and right of Common thereunto belonging, All those two several Allotments next herein after awarded, that is to say, All that Allotment or parcel of Land situate in Powells Green containing thirty-seven perches and bounded on the East side by Wickhamford Road and on the South side by the second Allotment herein awarded to the said Thomas Williams, on the West side by old Inclosures belonging to the said James Harris and Thomas Williams and on the North by the first Allotment herein awarded to the said Thomas Williams.
James Harris, 2nd Allotment, 10.3.13
Also all that other Allotment situate in Meerden Field containing ten acres three roods and thirteen perches, bounded on the East by the fourth Allotment herein awarded to the Reverend Thomas Williams, on the South and part of the West by the fourth Allotment herein awarded to the Reverend Charles Phillott, on the remainder of the West by the Allotment herein awarded to William Smith and on the North by the Willersey Road.
And the said Commissioners order and direct that the Mounds and Fences on the East, South and North sides of the said first herein before awarded Allotment and on the East and North sides of the second or last awarded Allotment shall be made and at all times for ever hereafter kept in repair by and at the expense of the said James Harris and the owners and occupiers of the said Allotment for the time being.
John Jones, 1st Allotment, 0.2.34
Unto John Jones and his Heirs in lieu of the Commonable part of his estate and right of Common thereunto belonging, All those three several Allotments next herein after awarded, that is to say, All that Allotment or parcel of Land situate on Powells Green containing two roods and thirty-four perches, bounded on the East by an Allotment herein awarded to Joseph Jones, on the South and remaining part of the East by old Inclosures belonging to the said John Jones, on the West and North by the Wickhamford Road and the private carriage Roads marked Nos 8 and 10.
John Jones, 2nd Allotment, 5.2.38
Also all that other Allotment or parcel of Land situate in Sand Field containing five acres two roods and thirty-eight perches, bounded on part of the East by an old Inclosure belonging to Edward Wilson, on the remaining part of the East and South by an Allotment herein awarded to the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessees the said John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter and the private carriage Road No 11, on the West by the third Allotment herein awarded to the said Joseph Jones, and on the North side by an old Inclosure belonging to Joseph Harper and herein after awarded in Exchange to the said Joseph Jones.
John Jones, 3rd Allotment, 39.3.10
Also all that other Allotment or parcel of Land situate in Sand Field, Foxhill Field and Meerden Field, containing thirty-nine acres three roods and ten perches, bounded on the East part by the Parish of Bretforton, on the South side and part of the West by the second Allotment herein awarded to the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessees the said John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter, on the remainder of the West by an old Inclosure called Abrahams Well Meadow, by the third Allotment herein awarded to the said Mary Harrington and others and given in Exchange to the said John Jones, and on the North side by old Inclosures and the third Allotment herein awarded to the said Thomas Byrd.
And the said Commissioners order and direct that the Mounds and Fences on the said first Allotment on that part of the East against the Allotment of Joseph Jones and on the West and North sides against the said Road and also on those sides of the said second Allotment which lies against the Allotment awarded to the Dean and Chapter and their Lessees the said John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter and the private Road marked No 11, and also those on the North side of the said third Allotment which lie next to the Allotment awarded to the said Thomas Byrd shall be made and at all times for ever hereafter kept in repair by and at the expense of the said John Jones and the owners and occupiers of the said Allotment for the time being.
Joseph Jones, 1st Allotment, 1.3.15
Unto Joseph Jones and his Heirs in lieu of the Commonable part of his estate and right of Common thereunto belonging, All those four several Allotments next herein after awarded, that is to say, All that Allotment or parcel of Land situate on Badsey Green containing one acre three roods and fifteen perches, bounded on part of the East and North sides by the second Allotment herein awarded to Edward Wilson, on the remainder of the East by an old Inclosure belonging to Sarah Wilson and on the South-West and remainder of the North sides by private Carriage Roads.
Joseph Jones, 2nd Allotment, 6.0.24
Also all that other Allotment situate in Hadshill Field containing six acres and twenty-four perches, bounded on the East side by an Allotment herein awarded to the Reverend Thomas Williams and afterwards Exchanged to John Procter, on the South side by the private carriage Road marked No 9, on the West side by old Inclosures and the third Allotment herein awarded to the said John Procter, and on the North side by old Inclosures belonging to the said Thomas Byrd.
Joseph Jones, 3rd Allotment, 37.2.32
Also all that other Allotment situate in Hadshill Field and Foxhill Field containing thirty-seven acres two roods and thirty-two perches including the private Road passing over the same, bounded on the East side by an Allotment herein awarded to the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessees the said John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter and herein after Exchanged with the said Joseph Jones, on the South side by Allotments herein awarded to the said Thomas Byrd and the Churchwardens of Badsey and the Marchioness of Downshire, and an old Inclosure belonging to the said Thomas Byrd on further part of the East side by the said last mentioned old Inclosure and Pitchness Closes, on further part of the South by old Inclosures belonging to Edward Wilson and an Allotment herein awarded to the said Thomas Byrd, on the remainder of the East by the said last mentioned Allotment, an old Inclosure belonging to the said Joseph Harper and herein after awarded in Exchange to the said Joseph Jones and the second Allotment herein awarded to the said John Jones, on further part of the South by the said private carriage Road marked No 11, on part of the West and remainder of the South by old Inclosures belonging to the said Joseph Jones, on further part of the West by the first Allotment herein awarded to the said John Jones, on part of the North and remainder of the West by old Inclosures belonging to the said Joseph Jones and on the remainder of the North by Allotments herein awarded to the Reverend Thomas Williams, John Slatter and Edward Wilson respectively.
Joseph Jones, 4th Allotment, 2.3.18
Also all that other Allotment situate in Hadshill Field containing two acres three roods and eighteen perches, bounded on the East and part of the South by the Parish of Bretforton, on the remainder of the South and the West by an Allotment herein awarded to the said Joseph Harper and on the North by the Bretforton Road, which said last mentioned Allotment is herein after awarded in Exchange to the said Joseph Harper.
And the said Commissioners order and direct that the Mounds and Fences on all sides of the said first Allotment except that part which is bounded by the said old Inclosure, also on the East, South and that part of the West, of the said second Allotment which lies against the third Allotment awarded to the said John Procter, on the East side of the said third Allotment which lies next the fourth Allotment herein awarded to the said Thomas Byrd and the second Allotment herein awarded to the said John Jones on the South side and the said private carriage Road marked No 11 and the North side next the Allotments herein awarded to the said Thomas Williams, John Slatter and Edward Wilson, and also across the said Road No 10 shall be made and at all times for ever hereafter kept in repair by and at the expense of the said Joseph Jones and the owners and occupiers of the said Allotment for the time being.
John Procter, 1st Allotment, 2.0.0
Unto John Procter and his Heirs in lieu of the Commonable part of his estate and right of Common thereunto belonging purchased by him of and from Thomas Burrowes and Susannah his wife, All those six several Allotments next herein after awarded, that is to say, All that Allotment or parcel of Land situate in Badsey Green containing two acres, bounded on the East by an old Inclosure belonging to the said John Procter, on the South by the private carriage Road marked No 9, on the West by old Inclosures belonging to the said Thomas Byrd, William Smith and others and on the North by the Evesham Road and an Allotment herein awarded to the said William Wilson.
John Procter, 2nd Allotment, 0.0.2
Also all that other Allotment situate in Badsey Green containing two perches, bounded on the East by the private carriage Road No 8, on the South by an old Inclosure belonging to Thomas Holyoak and on the West by an old Inclosure belonging to the said John Procter.
John Procter, 3rd Allotment, 0.0.10
Also all that other Allotment comprising part of the lane lying on the North side of Townside Close containing ten perches, bounded on the East by the second Allotment herein awarded to the said Joseph Jones, on the South by the said Townside Close, on the West by the first Allotment herein awarded to the said William Wilson and on the North by old Inclosures belonging to Richard Richardson and Thomas Byrd respectively.
John Procter, 4th Allotment, 7.0.21
Also all that other Allotment situate in Hadshill Field containing seven acres and twenty-one perches, bounded on the East by the Allotment herein awarded to the said Edward Wilson, on the South by an Allotment herein awarded to the Curate of Badsey and the Allotment herein awarded to the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessees John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter, on the West by old Inclosures belonging to the said Thomas Byrd and on the North by the Bretforton Turnpike Road.
John Procter, 5th Allotment, 32.0.29
Also all that other Allotment or piece of Land situate in Hadshill Field containing thirty-two acres and twenty-nine perches, bounded on the East and part of the North by the Allotment next herein after awarded to the said John Procter, on the South by an Allotment herein awarded to the said Thomas Byrd, on the West by the sixth Allotment herein awarded to the said Mary Harrington and others and the Allotment herein awarded to Edward Wilson for Tythes, and on the North by the Bretforton Road.
John Procter, 6th Allotment, 11.3.31
Also all that other Allotment situate in Hadshill Field containing eleven acres three roods and thirty-one perches, bounded on the East and part of the North by the first Allotment to the Curate of Badsey, on further part of the East and North by the Allotment herein awarded to the said Joseph Harper, on the remainder part of the East by the Parish of Bretforton, on part of the South by an Allotment herein awarded to the said Thomas Byrd, the remaining part of the South and on the West by the Allotment last herein before awarded to the said John Procter, and on the North by the Bretforton Road, which said last mentioned Allotment is herein awarded in Exchange to the said Charles Phillott.
And the said Commissioners order and direct that the Mounds and Fences on the South and North sides of the said first Allotment herein before awarded, on the side next the said private carriage Road of the said second Allotment, the North side next the said Turnpike Road of the said fourth Allotment, on such part of the East of the said fifth Allotment as lies against the said sixth Allotment herein awarded to the said John Procter, and the North against the Bretforton Road shall be made and at all times for ever hereafter kept in repair by and at the expense of the said John Procter and the owners and occupiers of the said Allotment for the time being.
Edward Savage, Allotment 17.2.37
Unto Edward Savage and his Heirs in lieu of the Commonable part of his estate and right of Common thereunto belonging, All that Allotment or piece of Land situate in Bully Brook Field containing seventeen acres two roods and thirty-seven perches, bounded on the East by the third Allotment herein awarded to the Reverend Thomas Williams, on the South by the third Allotment herein awarded to the said John Slatter, on the West by the Willersey and Wickhamford Roads, and on the North by Allotments awarded to Mary Harrington and others and William Wilson and herein awarded in Exchange to the said Thomas Williams and by the third Allotment herein awarded to the said Thomas Williams.
And the said Commissioners order and direct that the Mounds and Fences on the West side of the said Allotment shall be made and at all times for ever hereafter kept in repair by and at the expense of the said Edward Savage and the owners and occupiers of the said Allotment for the time being.
John Slatter, 1st Allotment, 0.3.8
Unto John Slatter and his Heirs in lieu of the Commonable part of his estate and right of Common thereunto belonging, All those five several Allotments next herein after awarded, that is to say, All that Allotment or parcel of Land situate on Dry Leys containing three roods and eight perches, bounded on the East by the Parish of Willersey, on the South by the Parish of Broadway, and North by the Willersey Road.
John Slatter, 2nd Allotment, 53.2.19
Also all that other Allotment of Land situate in Bully Brook Field and Foxhill Field containing fifty-three acres two roods and nineteen perches, bounded by the Parish of Broadway, the fifth Allotment herein awarded to the said Mary Harrington and others herein awarded in Exchange to the said John Slatter, the Willersey Road, old Inclosures called Condercope Meadows and Condercope Grounds and Peartree Close and Allotments herein awarded to the said Curate, the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessees the said John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter.
John Slatter, 3rd Allotment, 2.2.0
Also all that other Allotment situate in Bully Brook Field containing two acres and two roods, bounded on the East by the third Allotment herein awarded to the said Thomas Williams, on the South and West sides by the Willersey Road, and on the North by the Allotment herein awarded to the said Edward Savage, which said last mentioned Allotment is herein awarded in Exchange to the said Edward Savage.
John Slatter, 4th Allotment, 0.2.20
Also all that other Allotment situate in Hadshill Field containing two roods and twenty perches, bounded on the East by the Allotment herein awarded to Edward Wilson, on the South by the third Allotment herein awarded to the said Joseph Jones, on the West by an Allotment herein awarded to the said Thomas Williams, and on the North by the eighth Allotment herein awarded to the Curate of Badsey, which said last Allotment is herein awarded in Exchange to John Procter.
John Slatter, 5th Allotment, 1.2.34
Also all that other Allotment situate in Bully Brook Field containing one acre two roods and thirty-four perches, bounded on the East by an old Inclosure belonging to the said Edward Wilson, on the South by the third Allotment awarded to the Reverend Thomas Williams, on the West by old Inclosures belonging to the said Thomas Williams, and on the North by the said private carriage Road marked No 11.
And the said Commissioners order and direct that the Mounds and Fences on the East and North sides of the first Allotment herein awarded, the respective sides of the said second Allotment which lies against the said Willersey Road and the Allotments herein awarded to the said Curate and Impropriate Rector shall be made and at all times for ever hereafter kept in repair by and at the expense of the said John Slatter and the owners and occupiers of the said Allotment for the time being.
William Smith, Allotment, 3.2.3
Unto William Smith and his Heirs in lieu of the Commonable part of his estate and right of Common thereunto belonging, All that Allotment or piece of Land situate in Meerden Field containing three acres two roods and three perches, bounded on the East by the second Allotment herein awarded to the said James Harris, on the South and West by the fourth Allotment herein awarded to the Curate of Badsey, and on the North by the Willersey Road.
And the said Commissioners order and direct that the Mounds and Fences on the East, South and North sides of the said herein awarded Allotment shall be made and at all times for ever hereafter kept in repair by and at the expense of the said William Smith and the owners and occupiers of the said Allotment for the time being.
The Reverend Thomas Williams, 1st Allotment, 0.0.4
Unto the Reverend Thomas Williams and his Heirs in lieu of the Commonable part of his estate and right of Common thereunto belonging, All those six several Allotments next herein after awarded, that is to say, All that Allotment situate on Powells Green containing four perches, bounded on the South by the first Allotment herein awarded to the said James Harris, on the West by an old Inclosure belonging to the said Thomas Williams and on the North by the Wickhamford Road.
The Reverend Thomas Williams, 2nd Allotment, 0.0.8
Also all that other Allotment situate on Powells Green aforesaid containing eight perches, bounded by East by the Wickhamford Road, on the West by an old Inclosure belonging to Thomas Williams, and on the North by the first Allotment herein awarded to the said James Harris.
The Reverend Thomas Williams, 3rd Allotment, 44.3.2
Also all that other Allotment situate in Bully Brook Field containing forty-four acres three roods and two perches, bounded by the fifth Allotment herein awarded to the said John Slatter, Bully Brook Close, the first Allotment herein awarded to the said Edward Wilson, Vicars Ley Orchard, Abrahams Well Close late belonging to the said Thomas Burrowes and Susannah his wife, the second Allotment herein before awarded to the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessees for Rectorial Tythes, the Allotment herein before awarded to the said Thomas Williams for Tythes, the Willersey Road, the third Allotment herein before awarded to the said John Slatter, the Allotment herein before awarded to the said Edward Savage, and an Allotment herein before awarded to the said William Wilson, an old Inclosure belonging to the said Thomas Williams.
The Reverend Thomas Williams, 4th Allotment, 16.1.22
Also all that Allotment situate in Meerden Field containing sixteen acres one rood and twenty-two perches, bounded on part of the East by the fifth Allotment herein awarded to the said William Wilson, on the remaining part of the East and South by the fourth Allotment herein awarded to the Curate of Badsey, on the West by the second Allotment herein awarded to the said James Harris, and on the North by the Willersey Road.
The Reverend Thomas Williams, 5th Allotment, 0.2.30
Also all that other Allotment situate in Meerden Field containing two roods and thirty perches, bounded on the East by the Willersey Road, on the South by an Allotment herein awarded to the Curate of Badsey, on the West and North sides by the fifth Allotment herein awarded to the said William Wilson, which said last mentioned Allotment is awarded in Exchange to the Curate of Badsey.
The Reverend Thomas Williams, 6th Allotment, 8.0.26
Also all that other Allotment situate in Hadshill Field containing eight acres and twenty-six perches, bounded on the East by Allotments herein awarded to the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessees the said John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter, the Curate of Badsey and to John Slatter, on the South by the third Allotment herein awarded to Joseph Jones, on the West by the second Allotment herein awarded to the said Joseph Jones, and on the North by an old Inclosure belonging to the said Thomas Byrd, which said last mentioned Allotment is awarded in Exchange to the said John Procter.
And the said Commissioners order and direct that the Mounds and Fences on the North side of the first Allotment herein before awarded Allotment, on the East side of the second Allotment, the respective sides of the third Allotment which lie next the Willersey Road, the third Allotment awarded to the said John Slatter and the said Allotment awarded to the said Edward Savage, the East and North sides of the said fourth herein before awarded Allotment shall be made and at all times for ever hereafter kept in repair by and at the expense of the said Thomas Williams and the owners and occupiers of the said Allotment for the time being.
Edward Wilson, 1st Allotment, 0.2.12
Unto Edward Wilson and his Heirs in lieu of the Commonable part of his estate and right of Common thereunto belonging, All those four several Allotments next herein after awarded, that is to say, All that Allotment or piece of Land situate in Bully Brook Field containing two roods and twelve perches, bounded on all sides by old Inclosures belonging to the said Edward Wilson and a certain watercourse called Bully Brook.
Edward Wilson, 2nd Allotment, 0.0.18
Also all that other Allotment situate on Badsey Green containing eighteen perches, bounded on the East by old Inclosures belonging to Sarah Wilson, on the South and West by the first Allotment herein awarded to the said Joseph Jones, and on the North by the private carriage Road marked No 9.
Edward Wilson, 3rd Allotment, 0.2.14
Also all that other Allotment situate at Broad Corner containing two roods and fourteen perches, bounded on the East by the Bretforton Road, on the West by the Hamlet of Aldington, and on the North by old Inclosures belonging to the said Edward Wilson.
Edward Wilson, 4th Allotment, 35.2.24
Also all that other Allotment situate in Hadshill Field containing thirty-five acres two roods and twenty-four perches, bounded on the East by an Allotment herein awarded to the said Edward Wilson for Tythes, on the South by Allotments herein awarded to the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessees the said John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter, on the remaining part of the South by the third Allotment herein awarded to the said Joseph Jones, on part of the West by the fourth Allotment herein awarded to the said John Slatter, on further part of the West and North by the seventh and eighth Allotments herein awarded to the Curate of Badsey, on remaining part of the West by the fourth Allotment herein awarded to the said John Procter, and on the remaining part of the North by the Bretforton Road.
And the said Commissioners order and direct that the Mounds and Fences on the North side of the said second herein before awarded Allotment, against the said private Road, on the East side of the third Allotment against the said Turnpike Road and on the West so far as Mayers Bush Close now extends, so much of the North side of the said fourth Allotment as lies against the Bretforton Road shall be made and be for ever hereafter kept in repair by and at the expense of the said Edward Wilson and the owners and occupiers of the said several Allotments for the time being.
William Wilson, 1st Allotment, 0.0.7
Unto William Wilson and his Heirs in lieu of the Commonable part of his estate and right of Common thereunto belonging, All those five several Allotments next herein after awarded, that is to say, All that Allotment or piece of Land situate on Badsey Green and containing seven perches, bounded on the East and South by Townside Close and an Allotment herein awarded to the said John Procter, on the West by the Evesham Road, and on the North by old Inclosures belonging to the said Richard Richardson and William Wilson.
William Wilson, 2nd Allotment, 1.3.16
Also all that other Allotment situate in Sand Field containing one acre three roods and sixteen perches, bounded on the East by old Inclosures belonging to the said William Wilson, and on all other sides by the first Allotment herein awarded to the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessees the said John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter.
William Wilson, 3rd Allotment, 33.1.37
Also all that other Allotment situate in Hadshill Field containing thirty-three acres one rood and thirty-seven perches, bounded by old Inclosures belonging to the Curate of Badsey and herein awarded in Exchange to the said William Wilson, the fourth Allotment herein awarded to the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessees the said John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter and herein awarded in Exchange to the said William Wilson, the Bretforton Turnpike Road, the third Allotment to the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessees the said John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter, the second Allotment herein awarded to the said Mary Harrington and others, and old Inclosures herein awarded in Exchange to the said Mary Harrington and others, and by a certain watercourse called Claybrook.
William Wilson, 4th Allotment, 1.2.9
Also all that other Allotment situate in Bully Brook Field containing one acre two roods and nine perches, bounded on the East by the third Allotment herein awarded to the said Thomas Williams, on the South by the Allotment herein awarded to the said Edward Savage, on the West by the fourth Allotment herein before awarded to the said Mary Harrington and others, and on the North by old Inclosures belonging to the said Thomas Williams, which said last mentioned Allotment is awarded in Exchange to the said Thomas Williams.
William Wilson, 5th Allotment, 9.2.33
Also all that other Allotment situate in Meerden Field containing nine acres two roods and thirty-three perches, bounded on the East by the Willersey Road and the fifth Allotment herein awarded to the said Thomas Williams, on the South by the said fifth Allotment and the fourth Allotment herein awarded to the said Curate of Badsey, on the West by the fourth Allotment herein awarded to the said Thomas Williams, and on the North by the Willersey Road, which said Allotment is herein awarded in Exchange to the said Curate of Badsey.
And the said Commissioners order and direct that the Mounds and Fences of the said first herein awarded Allotment next the said Evesham Road, the respective sides of the said second Allotment which lie against the Rectorial Allotment, the respective sides of the third Allotment against the Bretforton Road, and the said second Allotment awarded to Mary Harrington and others shall be made and for ever hereafter kept in repair by and at the expense of the said William Wilson and the owners and occupiers of the said Allotments for the time being.
Samuel Jelfs, Allotment, 0.0.16
Unto and for Samuel Jelfs and his Heirs in lieu of a certain footpath claimed by him for the cottage and garden in his own occupation leading from his said cottage unto through and over Badsey Leys and through the Homestead of Elizabeth Ballard and which hath been stopped by two Magistrates on view thereof, All that Allotment or parcel of Land containing sixteen perches being part of Badsey Leys, bounded on the South by the Manorial Allotment herein awarded to the said Edward Wilson, on the West by an old Inclosure belonging to the said Edward Wilson, on the North by the Turnpike Road, and on all other sides thereof by old Inclosures belonging to the said Samuel Jelfs, And the said Commissioners do hereby declare that the said Allotment is a full compensation and satisfaction to the said Samuel Jelfs as a full equivalent for the loss of the said Foot Road.
And the said Commissioners order and direct that the Mounds and Fences against the said Manorial Allotment and against the said Road shall be made and for ever hereafter kept in repair by and at the expense of the said Samuel Jelfs and the owners and occupiers of the said Allotment for the time being.
And the said Commissioners in further execution of the trusts and powers given to and vested in them by the said Act of Parliament have made and by this their Award and by the consent of the several parties hereto by their executing these presents do make the following Exchanges, that is to say, they hereby assign, allot and award in Exchange
The Reverend Charles Phillott with John Procter
Unto the said Reverend Charles Phillott, Clerk, and his successors, Curates of the Parish of Badsey aforesaid, All that the aforesaid Allotment or parcel of Land containing eleven acres and three roods and thirty-one perches being the sixth Allotment herein awarded to the said John Procter and bounded as herein before is described in lieu of and in Exchange for, All that messuage or Tenement and buildings and those two closes or Inclosed Grounds herein after described.
And the said Commissioners order and direct that the Mounds and Fences on the East next the Allotment to Joseph Harper, the Parish of Bretforton, on the South next the fifth Allotment to John Procter, and the North and part of the South sides of the said Allotment shall be made at all times for ever kept in repair by and at the expense of the said John Procter for the space of seven years and from thence for ever after at the expense of the Curate of Badsey and the owners and occupiers of the said Allotment for the time being.
And the said Commissioners assign, allot and award in Exchange to the said John Procter and his Heirs, All that messuage or Tenement and the outbuildings and appurtenances belonging containing one rood and twenty-five perches and also all those two closes or Inclosed Grounds containing thirteen acres and twenty perches called Halfpenny Close and Newland situate in the Hamlet of Aldington in the said Parish of Badsey in lieu of and in Exchange for the said sixth Allotment of the said John Procter.
The Reverend Charles Phillott with the Reverend Thomas Williams
And the said Commissioners hereby assign allot and award in Exchange unto the said Charles Phillott as such Curate as aforesaid and his successors, All that the aforesaid Allotment or parcel of Land containing two roods and thirty perches being the fifth Allotment herein awarded to the said Thomas Williams and bounded as herein described in lieu of and in Exchange for, All that piece of Land herein after described.
And the said Commissioners assign, allot and award in Exchange unto the said Thomas Williams and his Heirs, All that piece or parcel of Land containing twenty-four perches being part of the Parsonage Garden in lieu of and in Exchange for the said fifth Allotment of the said Thomas Williams.
The Reverend Charles Phillott with William Wilson
And the said Commissioners hereby assign allot and award in Exchange unto the said Charles Phillott and his successors Curates as aforesaid, All that the aforesaid [Allotment? – missing] or parcel of Land containing nine acres two roods and thirty-three perches being the fifth Allotment herein awarded to the said William Wilson and bounded as herein before described in lieu of and in Exchange for, All that old Inclosed Ground herein after described, that is to say, Unto and for the said William Wilson and his Heirs, All that Inclosed Ground called Bretforton Close containing five acres three roods and three perches in lieu of and in Exchange for the said fifth Allotment of the said William Wilson.
Thomas Byrd with the Marchioness of Downshire
And the said Commissioners hereby assign allot and award in Exchange to the said Thomas Byrd and his Heirs, All that the aforesaid Allotment or parcel of Land containing two acres two roods and two perches being the second Allotment herein awarded to the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessee the said Marchioness of Downshire and bounded as herein described in lieu of and in Exchange for, All that piece of Inclosed Land herein after described.
And the said Commissioners order and direct that the Mounds and Fences on the East and North sides of the said Allotment shall be made by and for ever hereafter kept in repair by and at the expense of the said Thomas Byrd and the owners and occupiers of the said Allotment for the time being.
And the said Commissioners hereby assign, allot and award in Exchange unto the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessee the said Marchioness of Downshire, All that the said piece or parcel of Inclosed Land called Old Leys containing six acres three roods and thirty perches in lieu of and in Exchange for the said second Allotment of the said Dean and Chapter and their said Lessee.
Thomas Byrd with the Reverend Charles Phillott
And the said Commissioners hereby assign allot and award in Exchange to the said Thomas Byrd and his Heirs, All that the aforesaid Allotment or parcel of Land containing seven acres and nine perches being the sixth Allotment herein awarded to the said Charles Phillott as Curate as aforesaid and bounded as herein before described in lieu of and in Exchange for, All those two pieces of Inclosed Land herein after described, that is to say, Unto and for the said Charles Phillott and his successors Curates as aforesaid,
All those two pieces or parcels of Inclosed Land called Pear Tree Close and Paddock containing eight acres eight perches in lieu of and in Exchange for the said sixth Allotment to the said Charles Phillott.
Thomas Byrd with the Churchwardens of Badsey
And the said Commissioners hereby assign allot and award in Exchange to the said Thomas Byrd and his Heirs, All that the aforesaid Allotment or parcel of Land containing one acre one rood and thirty-four perches being the Allotment herein awarded to the Churchwardens of Badsey and bounded as herein before described in lieu of and in Exchange for, All that piece of Inclosed Land herein before described.
And the said Commissioners order and direct that the Mounds and Fences on the North side of the said Allotment shall be made and at all times for ever hereafter kept in repair by and at the expense of the said Thomas Byrd and the owners and occupiers of the said Allotment for the time being.
And the said Commissioners hereby assign, allot and award in Exchange unto the said Churchwardens and their successors, All that the said piece or parcel of Inclosed Land called Condercope Meadow containing one acre two roods and nine perches in lieu of and in Exchange for the said Allotment so awarded to the said Churchwardens as aforesaid.
John Gibbs with Thomas Byrd
And the said Commissioners hereby assign allot and award in Exchange to the said John Gibbs and his Heirs, All that the aforesaid Allotment or parcel of Land containing three acres one rood and thirty-eight perches being the fourth Allotment herein awarded to the said Thomas Byrd and bounded as herein before described in lieu of and in Exchange for, All that piece of Inclosed Land herein after described.
And the said Commissioners order and direct that the Mounds and Fences on the North side of the said Allotment shall be made and at all times kept in repair by and at the expense of the said John Gibbs and the owners and occupiers of the said Allotment for the time being.
And the said Commissioners hereby assign, allot and award in Exchange to the said Thomas Byrd and his Heirs, All those two Closes or Inclosed Grounds called Pitchness Closes containing three acres and thirty-one perches in lieu of and in Exchange for the said fourth Allotment so awarded to the said Thomas Byrd.
Joseph Harper with Joseph Jones
And the said Commissioners hereby assign allot and award in Exchange to the said Joseph Harper and his Heirs, All that the aforesaid Allotment or parcel of Land containing two acres three roods and eighteen perches being the fourth Allotment herein awarded to the said Joseph Jones and bounded as herein described in lieu of and in Exchange for, All that Close or Inclosed Land herein after described.
And the said Commissioners order and direct that the Mounds and Fences next the Parish of Bretforton and the Bretforton Road shall be made and at all times for ever hereafter kept in repair by and at the expense of the said Joseph Harper and the owners and occupiers of the said Allotment for the time being.
And the said Commissioners hereby assign, allot and award in Exchange to the said Joseph Jones and his Heirs, All that Close or Inclosed Ground called Sand Close containing two acres one rood and twenty-five perches in lieu of and in Exchange for the said fourth Allotment herein awarded to the said Joseph Jones.
John Jones with Mary Harrington and others
And the said Commissioners hereby assign, allot and award in Exchange with John Jones and his Heirs, All that the aforesaid Allotment or parcel of Land containing five acres and seventeen perches being the third Allotment herein awarded to the said Mary Harrington and others and bounded as herein before described in lieu of and in Exchange for All those two pieces or parcels of Inclosed Land herein after described, that is to say, Unto and for the said Mary Harrington, Elizabeth Harrington and Sarah Harrington and their Heirs, All those two pieces of Land of him the said John Jones called Claybrook Orchard and Claybrook Close containing three acres three roods and thirteen perches in lieu of and in Exchange for the said third Allotment herein before awarded in Exchange to the said Mary Harrington, Elizabeth Harrington and Sarah Harrington.
John Procter with John Millard and others
And the said Commissioners hereby assign, allot and award unto the said John Procter and his Heirs, All that the aforesaid Allotment or parcel of Land containing four acres and twenty-five perches being the fifth Allotment herein awarded to the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessees John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter and bounded as herein described in lieu of and in Exchange for, All that Close or Inclosed Ground herein after described, that is to say, Unto and for the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessees the said John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter, All that Close or Inclosed Ground of him the said John Procter called Burrowes and Abrahams Well Close containing three acres three roods and one perch in lieu of and in Exchange for the said fifth Allotment herein awarded to the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessees the said John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter.
Joseph Jones with John Millard and others
And the said Commissioners hereby assign, allot and award in Exchange unto the said Joseph Jones and his Heirs, All that the aforesaid Allotment or parcel of Land containing three acres one rood and eight perches being the sixth Allotment herein awarded to the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessees John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter and bounded as herein described in lieu of and in Exchange for, All that Close or Inclosed Ground herein after described.
And the said Commissioners order and direct that the Mounds and Fences on the North side of the said sixth Allotment shall be made and at all times kept in repair for ever hereafter by and at the expense of the said Joseph Jones and the owners and occupiers of the said sixth Allotment for the time being.
And the said Commissioners hereby assign, allot and award in Exchange to the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessees the said John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter, All that Close or Inclosed Ground called Hancox Close containing five acres and twenty-seven perches in lieu of and in Exchange for the said sixth Allotment herein awarded to the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessees the said John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter.
John Procter with the Reverend Charles Phillott
And the said Commissioners hereby assign, allot and award in Exchange unto the said John Procter and his Heirs, All that the aforesaid Allotment or parcel of Land containing two acres one rood and one perch being the seventh Allotment herein awarded to the said Charles Phillott and bounded as herein described in lieu of and in Exchange for, All that piece or parcel of Inclosed Land herein after described.
And the said Commissioners order and direct that the Mounds and Fences on the South side of the said seventh Allotment next to the fourth Allotment herein awarded to the said Edward Wilson shall be made and at all times for ever hereafter kept in repair by and at the expense of the said John Procter and the owners and occupiers of the said sixth Allotment for the time being.
And the said Commissioners hereby assign, allot and award in Exchange to the said Charles Phillott and his successors, All that piece or parcel of Inclosed Ground called Condercope Meadow containing three acres and thirteen perches in lieu of and in Exchange for the said seventh Allotment herein awarded to the said Charles Phillott as such Curate as aforesaid.
John Procter with the Reverend Charles Phillott
And the said Commissioners hereby assign, allot and award in Exchange unto the said John Procter and his Heirs, All that the aforesaid Allotment or parcel of Land containing four acres one rood and twenty-two perches being the eighth Allotment herein awarded to the said Charles Phillott and bounded as herein described in lieu of and in Exchange for, All that piece or parcel of Inclosed Land herein after described.
And the said Commissioners order and direct that the Mounds and Fences on the East side of the said eighth Allotment shall be made and at all times for ever hereafter kept in repair by and at the expense of the said John Procter and the owners and occupiers of the said sixth Allotment for the time being.
And the said Commissioners hereby assign, allot and award in Exchange to the said Charles Phillott and his successors, All that piece or parcel of Inclosed Ground called Condercope Ground containing six acres and sixteen perches in lieu of and in Exchange for the said eighth Allotment herein awarded to the said Charles Phillott as such Curate as aforesaid.
Joseph Jones with Mary Harrington and Others
And the said Commissioners hereby assign, allot and award in Exchange unto the said Joseph Jones and his Heirs, All that the aforesaid Allotment or parcel of Land containing four acres and two roods and sixteen perches being the sixth Allotment herein awarded to the said Mary Harrington, Elizabeth Harrington and Sarah Harrington and bounded as herein described in lieu of and in Exchange for, All that piece or parcel of Inclosed Land herein after described.
And the said Commissioners order and direct that the Mounds and Fences on the East and North sides of the said sixth Allotment shall be made and at all times for ever hereafter kept in repair by and at the expense of the said Joseph Jones and the owners and occupiers of the said Allotment for the time being.
And the said Commissioners assign, allot and award in Exchange to the said Mary Harrington, Elizabeth Harrington and Sarah Harrington and their Heirs, All that piece or parcel of Inclosed Ground called Claybrook containing five acres and three perches in lieu of and in Exchange for the said sixth Allotment herein awarded to the said Mary Harrington, Elizabeth Harrington and Sarah Harrington.
John Procter with John Slatter
And the said Commissioners hereby assign, allot and award in Exchange unto the said John Procter and his Heirs, All that the aforesaid Allotment or parcel of Land containing two roods and twenty perches being the fourth Allotment herein awarded to the said John Slatter and bounded as herein described in lieu of and in Exchange for, All that piece or parcel of old Inclosed Ground herein after described.
And the said Commissioners order and direct that the Mounds and Fences on the East side of the said fourth Allotment shall be made and at all times for ever hereafter kept in repair by and at the expense of the said John Procter and the owners and occupiers of the said Allotment for the time being.
And the said Commissioners assign, allot and award in Exchange to the said John Slatter and his Heirs, All that piece or parcel of the said old Inclosed Ground called Condercup Meadow containing one acre and seven perches in lieu of and in Exchange for the said fourth Allotment herein awarded to the said John Slatter and his Heirs.
John Procter with the Reverend Thomas Williams
And the said Commissioners hereby assign, allot and award in Exchange unto the said John Procter and his Heirs, All that the aforesaid Allotment or parcel of Land containing eight acres and twenty-six perches being the sixth Allotment herein awarded to the said Thomas Williams and bounded as herein described in lieu of and in Exchange for, All those three Cottages and Gardens and also all those two Closes herein after described.
And the said Commissioners assign, allot and award in Exchange to the said Thomas Williams and his Heirs, All those three Cottages and Gardens called Nap Close and Nap Orchard containing three acres two roods and eleven perches in lieu of and in Exchange for the said sixth Allotment herein awarded to the said Thomas Williams and his Heirs.
Edward Savage with John Slatter
And the said Commissioners hereby assign, allot and award in Exchange unto Edward Savage and his Heirs, All that the aforesaid Allotment or parcel of Land containing two acres and two roods being the third Allotment herein awarded to the said John Slatter and bounded as herein described in lieu of and in Exchange for, All those pieces or parcels of Inclosed Land or Ground herein after described.
And the said Commissioners order and direct that the Mounds and Fences on the sides of the said Allotment next to and against the Willersey Road shall be made and at all times for ever hereafter kept in repair by and at the expense of the said Edward Savage and the owners and occupiers of the said Allotment for the time being.
And the said Commissioners assign, allot and award in Exchange to the said John Slatter and his Heirs, All those pieces or parcels of Inclosed Land or Ground containing three acres and thirty-four perches being part or parcel of a piece of Land or Ground called Condercup Meadow in lieu of and in Exchange for the said third Allotment herein awarded to the said John Slatter and his Heirs.
John Slatter with Mary Harrington and others
And the said Commissioners hereby assign, allot and award in Exchange unto John Slatter and his Heirs, All that the aforesaid Allotment containing twenty-four acres one rood and thirty-four perches being the fifth Allotment herein awarded to the said Mary Harrington, Elizabeth Harrington and Sarah Harrington bounded as herein before described in lieu of and in Exchange for, All those three old Inclosures, pieces or parcels of Land herein after described.
And the said Commissioners order and direct that the Mounds and Fences next to the said Willersey Road shall be made and at all times for ever kept in repair by and at the expense of the said John Slatter and the owners and occupiers of the said Allotment for the time being.
And the said Commissioners assign, allot and award in Exchange to the said Mary Harrington, Elizabeth Harrington and Sarah Harrington and their Heirs, All those three old Inclosed pieces or parcels of Land and spinney called Claybrook Grounds containing thirteen acres and twenty-five perches in lieu of and in Exchange for the said fifth Allotment herein awarded in Exchange to the said John Slatter and his Heirs.
The Reverend Thomas Williams with the Reverend Charles Phillott
And the said Commissioners hereby assign, allot and award in Exchange unto the Reverend Thomas Williams and his Heirs, All that the aforesaid Allotment containing six acres and twenty-one perches being the fifth Allotment herein awarded to the Reverend Charles Phillott as Curate of Badsey and bounded as herein described in lieu of and in Exchange for All that piece or parcel of Land next herein after described.
And the said Commissioners order and direct that the Mounds and Fences on the East, South and West sides of the said fifth Allotment shall be made at all times for ever hereafter kept in repair by and at the expense of the said Thomas Williams and the owners and occupiers of the said fifth Allotment for the time being.
And the said Commissioners assign, allot and award in Exchange to the said Charles Phillott and his successors as aforesaid, All that old Inclosure called Little Stockey and all those pieces or parcels of two other old Inclosures called Great Stockey and Pig Close containing together four acres two roods and nine perches in lieu of and in Exchange for the said fifth Allotment herein awarded in Exchange to the said Thomas Williams and his Heirs.
The Reverend Thomas Williams with Mary Harrington and Others
And the said Commissioners hereby assign, allot and award in Exchange unto the Reverend Thomas Williams and his Heirs, All that the aforesaid Allotment containing seven acres and thirty-six perches being the fourth Allotment herein awarded to the said Mary Harrington, Elizabeth Harrington and Sarah Harrington and bounded as herein described, in lieu of and in Exchange for All those two Inclosures herein after described.
And the said Commissioners order and direct that the Mounds and Fences on the South and West sides of the said fourth Allotment shall be made at all times for ever hereafter kept in repair by and at the expense of the said Thomas Williams and the owners and occupiers of the said fourth Allotment for the time being.
And the said Commissioners assign, allot and award in Exchange unto the said Mary Harrington, Elizabeth Harrington and Sarah Harrington and their Heirs, All those two Inclosures called Three Ley Orchard and Clay Brook containing eight acres one rood and twenty-four perches in lieu of and in Exchange for the said fourth Allotment herein awarded in Exchange to the said Thomas Williams and his Heirs.
The Reverend Thomas Williams with John Slatter
And the said Commissioners hereby assign, allot and award in Exchange to the said Thomas Williams and his Heirs, All that the aforesaid Allotment containing one acre two roods and thirty-four perches being the fifth Allotment herein awarded to the said John Slatter and bounded as herein described, in lieu of and in Exchange for All that piece or Inclosed Ground herein after described.
And the said Commissioners order and direct that the Mounds and Fences on the South and North sides of the said fifth Allotment shall be made at all times for ever hereafter kept in repair by and at the expense of the said Thomas Williams and the owners and occupiers of the said fifth Allotment for the time being.
And the said Commissioners assign, allot and award in Exchange unto the said John Slatter and his Heirs, All that piece or Inclosed Ground called Pear Tree Close containing three acres and eighteen perches in lieu of and in Exchange for the said fifth Allotment herein awarded in Exchange to the said Thomas Williams and his Heirs.
The Reverend Thomas Williams with William Wilson
And the said Commissioners hereby assign, allot and award in Exchange unto the said Thomas Williams and his Heirs, All that the aforesaid Allotment containing one acre two roods and nine perches being the fourth Allotment herein awarded to the said William Wilson and bounded as herein described, in lieu of and in Exchange for All that Inclosed piece or parcel of Land herein after described.
And the said Commissioners order and direct that the Mounds and Fences on the South side of the said fourth Allotment shall be made at all times for ever hereafter kept in repair by and at the expense of the said Thomas Williams and the owners and occupiers of the said fourth Allotment for the time being.
And the said Commissioners assign, allot and award in Exchange unto the said William Wilson and his Heirs, All Inclosed Close or parcel of Land called Horns Close containing one acre one rood and thirty-seven perches in lieu of and in Exchange for the said fourth Allotment herein awarded in Exchange to the said Thomas Williams and his Heirs.
William Wilson with John Millard and Others
And the said Commissioners hereby assign, allot and award in Exchange unto the said William Wilson and his Heirs, All those two several Allotments containing seven acres and twenty-four perches and one acre three roods and eighteen perches, being the third and fourth Allotments herein awarded to the Dean and Chapter and their Lessees the said John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter, and bounded as herein described, in lieu of and in Exchange for, All those old Inclosed Meadows herein after described.
And the said Commissioners order and direct that the Mounds and Fences on the South and North sides of the said third Allotment and on the South side of the said fourth Allotment shall be made and at all times for ever hereafter kept in repair by and at the expense of the said William Wilson and the owners and occupiers of the said third Allotment for the time being.
And the said Commissioners assign allot and award in Exchange to the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessees the said John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter and their Heirs All that Inclosed Meadow called Abrahams Well Meadow containing four acres three roods and thirty-eight perches and also all that part or parcel of old Inclosed Meadow called Condercup Meadow containing two acres and twenty perches in lieu of and in Exchange for the said third and fourth Allotments herein awarded in Exchange to the said William Wilson and his Heirs.
William Wilson with the Reverend Charles Phillott
And the said Commissioners hereby assign, allot and award in Exchange unto the said William Wilson and his Heirs, All that the aforesaid Allotment containing one acre one rood and thirty-four perches being the ninth Allotment herein awarded to the said Charles Phillott as Curate as aforesaid and bounded as herein described, in lieu of and in Exchange for, All that piece or parcel of an old Inclosed Meadow herein after described.
And the said Commissioners order and direct that the Mounds and Fences on the South side of the ninth Allotment shall be made and at all times for ever hereafter kept in repair by and at the expense of the said William Wilson and the owners and occupiers of the said third Allotment for the time being.
And the said Commissioners assign allot and award in Exchange to the said Reverend Charles Phillott and his successors Curates as aforesaid All that piece or parcel of an old Inclosed Meadow called Condercup Meadow containing one acre two roods and twenty-nine perches in lieu of and in Exchange for the said ninth Allotment herein before awarded in Exchange to the said William Wilson and his Heirs.
And the said Commissioners hereby certify that the several and respective Allotments hereby awarded unto and among them the said Lord or Lords of the Manor of Badsey, the Dean and Chapter of Christ Church and their Lessees, the said John Millard, John Benton and Ann Slatter, the said Dean and Chapter and their Lessee the Marchioness of Downshire, the said Charles Phillott, Edward Wilson, Thomas Williams, the Overseers of Badsey and Aldington, the Churchwardens and Overseers of Badsey and Aldington, Churchwardens of Badsey, Thomas Byrd, Joseph Harper, Mary Harrington, Elizabeth Harrington and Sarah Harrington, James Harris, John Jones, Joseph Jones, John Procter, Edward Savage, John Slatter, William Smith and William Wilson are by them the said Commissioners so awarded and allotted unto and among the several Persons in proportion and according to value of their respective shares, rights of Common and other rights, properties and interests in the said Common fields, Meadows, Pastures and other Commonable Lands in the said Parish of Badsey of their ? Ancient Inclosures hereby awarded in Exchange.
And the said Commissioners in allotting and awarding the said Common and other Commonable Land have had due regard as well to the situation of the houses and old Inclosures of the said proprietors as to the quality and quantity of all and every part of the said Land so far as was consistent with the general convenience of the said proprietors and in making the said Allotments they have had particular regard to the convenience of the proprietors of the smallest estates in the said Parish And they hereby certify that the several Allotments hereby awarded are in full bar and satisfaction and compensation for their several and respective Lands, Grounds and other rights and properties in and over the open and Common fields, Meadows, Pastures and Commonable Land and also of their respective Tythes arising within and payable out of the old Inclosures and tytheable Tenements in the said Parish (except Mortuaries and Surplice Fees) and which said several Allotments are to be held by the several Persons and the owners and occupiers thereof for the time being from thenceforth for their respective estates terms and interests therein by virtue of or under the said two recited Acts of Parliament or otherwise howsoever.
And the said Commissioners further certify that they did in pursuance of the powers and authorities contained in the said second recited Act make a note in writing under their respective hands upon the several Persons mentioned and contained in the schedule hereunto annexed not having or purchasing or otherwise being entitled to a sufficient quantity of the said open and Common fields, Commonable Lands or other Lands and Grounds thereof directed to be divided, allotted and Inclosed to make compensation for the Tythes of their Homesteads, gardens, Orchards, Home Closes and other Inclosed Lands and Grounds by such Allotments and in such proportions as directed respecting the Allotments for or in lieu of Tythes for the several sums set opposite to their respective names and which said several sums of money were applied in payment of such parts and proportions of the expenses of obtaining and executing the said second recited act as ought to be paid by the respective Persons whose Land have been set out for discharging from Tythes such Homesteads, gardens, Orchards and Home Closes or other Inclosed Lands and Grounds.
And the Commissioners hereby signify and declare that the measures of all the said several Allotments herein before awarded and allotted is to be understood of statute measure and ? the Roads leading or passing over the same except where the same is hereby mentioned to the contrary and that the directions and orders herein before given and made for Fencing all the Allotments herein awarded are to be understood of substantial Mounds and Fences to be made within six calendar months from the date hereof with Posts, Rails, Ditches and Quickset Hedges and that the same are so directed to be made for the purpose of Fencing the same and that the Ditches herein before directed to be made as part of the Fences to the Allotments hereby awarded and shall be of sufficient width and depth to see off the water from the adjoining Lanes.
And the said Commissioners further award order and direct the several Persons who by this award are directed to make and maintain the Mounds and Fences which go over or across the several Footways hereby set out state at their respective proper costs and charges set up and place and at all times for ever hereafter support and keep in repair gates or stiles and footbridges in all parts of their respective Allotments where the same shall be necessary and consistent for the passage of travellers along such Footways.
And the said Commissioners do hereby further award and order that convenient gaps and openings shall be left in the Fences of the Allotments hereby awarded for the space of six months next ensuing, the date of those presents for the passing of cattle carts and carriages in and through the same.
And the said Commissioners do hereby order and direct that the several private Carriage Roads and Drift Ways herein before set out shall for ever hereafter be made and kept in repair by and at the expense of the Person and Persons who are by law required to repair the several public Carriage Roads within the said Parish.
And the said Commissioners further certify that they have not diverted or turned any ancient watercourse within the said Parish.
In witness whereof the said Commissioners the said Frederick Phelps and Henry Clark have this their Award set their hands and since the first day of July in the 55th year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George III by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland King Defender of the Faith And in the year of our Lord 1815 at a special meeting of the said Commissioners did pursuant to private notice given as prescribed by the before recited Act at the dwelling house of William Hardy known by the name of the Crown Inn, Evesham, in the County of Worcester.
The Schedule to which the above written award refers:
Ballard, Elizabeth £35.15.0
Bingley, William £1.0.6
Bishop, William £3.12.0
Collett, William £16.1.0
Dayrell, Mary £0.7.6
Gibbs, John £55.19.0
Holyoak, Thomas £0.17.0
Jelfs, Samuel £0.18.0
Jones, John £1.15.0
Knight, Thomas £2.9.0
Laugher, Edward £3.3.0
Mason, Elizabeth £0.11.0
Oldaker, Samuel £0.6.0
Payne, Thomas £0.19.6
Richardson, Richard £1.5.6
Sheppard, Samuel £2.15.0
Simpson, Joseph £17.0.0
Skinner, Hopewell £0.5.0
Smith, Anthony £26.12.0
Smith, Jacob, Esquire £66.19.0
Wilson, Sarah £16.2.0
White, Ann, Widow £0.14.6
Here is the 1812 enclosure map and some additional notes on the map.
Here is the 1812 act of parliament.