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National Registration Card

On 15th July 1915 the National Registration Act 1915 was passed.  This act required that all men and women, between the ages of 15 and 65 years of age, register at their residential location on 15th August 1915.  The registration was undertaken in a similar way to a census however, unlike a census, the head of household was not responsible for completing the form and instead each person who came under the act completed his or her own form.  People who registered were then sent a registration card.

Mela Brown Constable who, at that time, was working at the 1st Southern General Hospital in Birmingham, gave her address as Seward House, Badsey.  This was the home of the family of her fiancé, Cyril Sladden, and was where she most tended to go to when she had time off as her own mother was living in France at the time.

© The Sladden family descendants and by kind permission of the Imperial War Museum (reference 60/98/3)