Alexandria 1915
Postcards of Alexandria, Egypt, 1915. Cyril Sladden first visited Alexandria in July 1915, arriving there on 6th July, on the voyage from England to the Dardanelles. On the back of a postcard of Place Mohamed Aly, he wrote: “This is a very eastern city, with a good many traces of French influence, some little of English, and lots of Greeks and Italians about looking very prosperous. The view shows the centre of the best part of the city, which consists largely of poor class streets.”
Cyril visited again in September 1915 after being in hospital in Malta. He was there for nearly a fortnight before returning to the front. He sent a postcard of Place des Consuls to his sister, Juliet.
© The Sladden family descendants and by kind permission of the Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service (reference 705:1037/9520/3/83 and 705:1037/9520/11/iv/218).