Pantomime Programme 1918-1919
Programme of the 27th Divisional 2nd Grand Annual Pantomime – The Babes in the Wood, which was performed at Batoum, Tiflis and Baku. It was written, arranged and produced by Lieutenant Reginald Kennedy Cox of the 3rd Hampshire Regiment, attached the King’s Royal Rifle Corps. The pantomime would have been of a highly professional standard as Kennedy Cox had begun his career as a playwright, several of his works being performed on the London stage. He then became a social reformer, best known for his social work in the East End of London where he founded several Dockland Settlements (he was knighted for his work in 1930 and appointed CBE in 1944).
© The Sladden family descendants and by kind permission of the Imperial War Museum (reference 60/98/3)