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National Farm Survey - no. 197, Badsey

Claybrook, Badsey
Size of Farm
5 acres and over

Census Form C47

C47 returned?
Acreage of Crops and Grass
Q26 - Vegetables for human consumption (excluding Potatoes), Flowers and Crops under Glass8½ acres
Q32 - Permanent Grass for Grazing (not for Mowing this season) but excluding rough grazings2 acres
Q33 - TOTAL OF ABOVE ITEMS, 1-32 (Total acreage of excluding Rough Grazings)10½ acres
Q81 - Horses used for agricultural purposes (including mares kept for breeding) or by Market Gardeners, Mares1

Census Form C51

C51 returned?
Acreage of vegetables for human consumption, flowers, crops under glass
Q88 - Brussels Sprouts2¼ acres
Q91 - Carrots¼ acre
Q92 - Parsnips½ acre
Q94 - Beetroot½ acre
Q95 - Onions½ acre
Q96 - Beans, Broad¼ acre
Q97 - Beans, Runner and French½ acre
Q98 - Peas, Green, for Market1 acre
Q101 - Asparagus2½ acres
Q103 - Lettuce¼ acre
Q115 - TOTAL8½ acres

Census Form SF

SF returned?
Labour on 4th June
Q129 - Workers, Whole Time Family, Male1 (son)
Q132 - Workers, Casual, Female1 (wife)
Q143 - Actual rent payable during current year£22
Q146 - If holding partly owned and partly rented, acreage and rent payable of land held as tenant8¾ acres
Length of occupation of holding
Q147 - How many years have you been the occupier of the holding?20 years


B496 returned?
QA1 - Is occupier tenant or owner?Tenant
QA2a - If tenant, forename of ownerL K (Mrs)
QA2b - If tenant, surname of ownerWHEATLEY
QA2c - If tenant, address of ownerBadsey
QA4 - Does farmer occupy other land? If so, name of holding, parish and countyNo
QA5 - Has farmer grazing rights over land not occupied by him? If so, nature of such rightsNo
Conditions of Farm
QB1 - Percentage of area on which soil is heavy/medium/light/peaty100% medium
QB2 - Is farm conveniently laid out?Yes
QB4 - Situation in regard to roadGood
QB5 - Situation in regard to railwayGood
QB6 - Condition of farmhouse and buildingsFarmhouse - good; Buildings - good
QB7 - Condition of farm roadsGood
QB8 - Condition of fencesGood
QB9 - Condition of ditchesGood
QB10 - General condition of field drainageGood
QB11 - Condition of cottagesNot applicable
QB14 - Is there infestation with rabbits and moles, rats and mice, rooks and wood pigeons, other birds, insect pests?No infestation
QB15 - Is there heavy infestation with weeds? If so, kind of weeds?No
QB16 - Are there derelict fields? If so, acreageNo
Water and Electricity
QC1 - Water supply to farmhousePipe
QC2 - Water supply to farm buildingsWell & Roof
QC3 - Water supply to fieldsNone
QC4 - Is there a seasonal shortage of water?No
QC5 - Electricity supply - public light, public power, private light, private powerElectricity supply - public light and public power
QC6 - Is it used for household purposes and/or farm purposes?Yes - household purposes
QD1 - Is farm classified as A, B or C?A
QD3 - Condition of arable landGood
QD4 - Condition of pastureNot applicable
QD5 - Use of fertilisers on arable/grass landArable land - adequate
Field information recorded by
J E Knight & R W Sidwell - 26 Nov 1942
Primary record completed by
P BrIce - 6 Dec 1942