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Saturday 5 January 1889 – Aldington Sunday School Treat

Category Badsey and Aldington
The Evesham Journal
Transcription of article


The Aldington Sunday School held their annual tea and Christmas tree on New Year Eve.  The treat was got up by means of donations from friends in the neighbourhood.  Among the chief subscribers were Mr Byrd, Mr Savory, Mr Sharp, Mr Bell (Aldington) and others.  A dollar was received from Miss A Beard, a friend in America.  Over one hundred children sat down to tea, after which a public meeting was held, and was well attended, the Baptist Mission Room being crowded.  Mr F H Drinkwater of Evesham, superindtendent of the school, presided, and among those present were Miss Hall, Miss Brimyard, Mrs Drinkwater, Mr F B Bomford and Mr W J Woolley, Evesham; Mrs Byrd and Misses Byrd, Messrs W Bell, D Field, G Heath, A Butler and W Field, Secretary for the School, Aldington; Mrs Poole, Mrs G Geden, Mrs Stewart, Mrs H Geden, Mrs Chives, Miss Blake, W Hartwell and H Geden, Badsey.

The Superintendent, in opening the proceedings, stated that the average attendance of scholars was about 90, and in a long address alluded to the inconvenience of the school for want of room, and expressed the hope that friends would soon see their way clear to put up some classrooms.  Then the thought, the school would be more prosperous than it had been in the past.  He also said the school had a clothing club, and over £25 was paid in during last year by the scholars, and one penny in the shilling interest was given them by Mr W W Brown and Mr T White, Evesham.  In conclusion, he thanked the numerous friends for the kindness which they had always shown towards the school.  Recitations were given by the Misses Lyons, E Cockerton, Ethel Geden, A Hall, E Bennett, Ellen Geden, A Hartwell and M Ballard (Badsey); L Field, F White and A Field (Aldington); Masters H Hall and P Hall (Badsey) and Mr F Jones (Cookhill).  Short lively addresses were also given by Messrs F Bomford, W J Woolleey (Evesham), D Field and W Bell (Aldington).  Hymns were sung by the children.