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November 1910 - Memorial to the Reverend Thomas Hunt in Badsey Churchyard

Badsey with Aldington & Wickhamford Parochial Magazine
Transcription of article


October 15th, 1910, will long be remembered as a red-letter day in Badsey.

In the afternoon the graceful Churchyard Cross, erected to the memory of the late Rev. T. H. Hunt, was dedicated by the Archdeacon of Warwick with simple but impressive ceremonial. The dedication was preceded by evensong, with special lessons (Numbers 21, 1-10 and St. John 3, 11-17) and special psalms (84, 112, 149.) The antiphon before the psalms was "They will go from strength to strength," which was repeated after the psalms with the additional words "and unto the God of gods appeareth every one of them in Zion." Captains Cecil and Charles Hunt were both in the choir, the former reading the first lesson and the Rural Dean the second. Goss's anthem, "O Saviour of the world," was sung by the choir without accompaniment. The anthem ended, the choir and clergy led the way to the cross singing the hymn, "We sing the praise of Him Who died." The service in the churchyard was conducted by the Archdeacon, and after the dedication the hymn " When I survey" was sung as all stood round the cross. On returning to the church the Archdeacon preached an appropriate sermon, and the service concluded with the singing of "Abide with me" and the blessing.

In the evening there was a Social Gathering in the Old School, at which Capts. Cecil and Chas. Hunt and Mrs. Chas. Hunt were accorded a most hearty reception. The big room was packed and everybody seemed in the best of good humour with everybody else. The Vicar, in welcoming the principal guests, said how deeply he appreciated all that Mr. Hunt had done for the and people of Badsey, and he was glad that the gratitude of Badsey had at length taken a practical turn. He hoped there might soon be a tablet in the parish church setting forth in detail the grounds of Badsey's obligations to Mr. Hunt. Capts. Cecil and Chas. Hunt both made speeches which vividly recalled the past to the mind's eye of many of their hearers, and which were, needless to say, freely punctuated by applause. Mr. Sladden also spoke, dwelling on Mr. Hunt's devotion to Badsey and the very deep affection with which he was universally regarded in the parish.

A musical programme kept the company entertained to a late hour and, but for the fact that Sunday was so near, it would probably have been a case of an "all-night sitting." The following items were contributed: "King Haakon's Cradle Song," "The Flower Girl," "Proud Maisie," "Curly-headed Babby," by Mrs. Chas. Hunt; "Once I loved a maiden fair," "A Persian Song," by Capt. Cecil Hunt; "To Anthea," "Mrs. Brady," "Dumbledum dreary," by Capt. Chas. Hunt; "The Drum Major," " Dumb, Dumb, Dumb," by the Vicar; "Thora," by Mrs. Taylor; "An Evening Song," by Miss F. Pethard; "The Battle Eve," by the Vicar and Capt. Chas. Hunt; "The Arab's Farewell," by Mr. A. Dore; "The Lord Mayor's Treat," by Mr. E. Crisp, and "John Peel," by Mr. J. F. Agg.