The two new Bells have been successfully fixed in the Tower and give great satisfaction. The larger bell weighs 5cwt. 1qr. 1lb and bears the following inscription: "A. M. D. G. Victoriae Reginae Dilectissimae Regnum nos canimus MCMII." The letters A. M. D. G. stand for the Latin words "Ad majorem Dei Gloriam," and the complete translation is "To the greater glory of God. We celebrate the reign of the most beloved Queen Victoria, 1902." The treble bell weighs 4cwt. 2qrs. 16lbs., and has on it the inscription: "Gul: Henr: Price A.M. Vic: Jul: Sladden, Henr: Keen, Ecclesiae custodibus MCMII (William Henry Price M.A. Vicar; Julius Sladden, Henry Keen, Churchwardens 1902"). Tuesday, December 30th, was a memorable day in the annals of the parish. The Rev. F. E. Robinson, Vicar of Drayton, Berks., very kindly brought over to Badsey a select band of members of the Oxford Diocesan Guild, who rang the first peal of 5040 Stedman's Triples on the eight bells in two hours and fifty-two minutes. The ringers were W. Finch 1, A. Fox 2, H. Judge 3, W. Bennett 4, T. Payne 5, W. Large 6, Rev. F. E. Robinson (conductor) 7, F. Webb tenor. The following is Mr. Robinson's own criticism of the bells: "The two new bells cast by Messrs. Mears and Stainbank were much admired by all the band, their tone being bright and melodious, harmonizing well with the original six." This is very high praise from such an expert in bells as Mr. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Sladden very kindly entertained at dinner on Dec. 30, the visitors, together with our own ringers and chimers, and they had tea at the Vicarage.