About 2 miles from Evesham and ¾ mile from Littleton & Badsey Station
Are instructed to sell by auction at The King’s Head Hotel, Evesham, on Monday July 2nd 1923
At five for six o’clock in the afternoon, subject to conditions to be then read
All that piece of valuable
MARKET GARDEN LAND containing 2a 0r 14p
or thereabouts, known as part of “First Packs Ground”, situate at Badsey and having a frontage of about 146 feet to the main Evesham to Bretforton Road, together with the growing crops and buildings thereon.
The buildings, viz, a single span greenhouse, 50 ft x 20 ft with heating apparatus, a wood-built hovel with loft over and galvanized roof, wood-built stable and dray shed.
The ground is clean and in good heart and is planted about 8 chain 2-year-old asparagus inter-planted with dwarf beans, bout 3 chain newly-planted asparagus inter-planted with onions, and the remainder set out with egg plum stocks, gooseberry stocks and young asparagus roots, and part planted with peas and runner beans.
To view, apply to Mr A W Geden; and for further particulars to the auctioneers at Evesham; or Smith & Roberts, Solicitors, Evesham.