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Badsey 1921

Description of Enumeration District: “The whole of the Civil Parish of Badsey including Bowers Hill Farm, Cottages and Bungalow near thereto, Pear Tree Cottages, Badsey Fields, The Leys, Royal Oak Inn, Netherfield, Royal Oak Inn, Netherfield, Claybrook Cottages, and houses on roads leading to Bretforton and Littleton."

Enumerator: Not indicated, but known to be Frank Edmund Amos.

Estimated Number of Families, ie separate occupiers:  280

Mileage (the distance which would be necessarily traversed within the district between the first house and the last in the collection of the schedules):  - (this was not completed, it is thought because the Enumerator had a number of helpers to collect the schedules).

Click on the schedule number to see details about each member of the household.

No. Address on Census Present-day Address Sort ascending Surnames of People in Household
310 Badsey Field Lane, Badsey 11 Badsey Fields Lane, Badsey ANKERS
231 The Vicarage, Badsey 1-4 Allsebrook Gardens, Badsey (on site of old Vicarage demolished 1971) ALLSEBROOK; HANDS; TARRANT
114 Sand Lane, Badsey 1 Sands Lane, Badsey HARTWELL
72 Pear Tree Corner, Badsey 1 Peartree Corner, Pear Tree Lane, Badsey RUSSELL
301 Badsey Fields, Badsey 1 Orchard Cottages, Badsey Fields Lane, Badsey TIDMARSH; ROBERTS
148 Badsey 1 Chapel Street, Badsey BREWER
69 1 Bowers Hill, Badsey 1 Bowers Hill, Badsey HANCOCK
312 Badsey Field Lane, Badsey 1 Badsey Fields Lane, Badsey HARTWELL
127 Badsey 1 & 1A School Lane, Badsey KEEN; GOODE