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Wickhamford 1921

Description of Enumeration District: “The whole of the Civil Parish of Wickhamford, including Wickhamford Manor and Cottages near, Houses on the Broadway Road, Whitfurrows, King’s Bungalow, Mill House, Field Farm and Cottages, The Homestead, Carrig (on Longdon Hill) and Gardener’s Cottage on the Evesham Road.

Enumerator: Not indicated, but initials were EJB.

Estimated Number of Families, ie separate occupiers:  75

Mileage (the distance which would be necessarily traversed within the district between the first house and the last in the collection of the schedules):  5 miles

Click on the schedule number to see details about each member of the household.

No. Address on Census Present-day Address Surnames of People in Household Sort descending
B No schedule completed - unoccupied 11 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford
A No schedule completed - unoccupied 6 Longdon Hill, Wickhamford
11 Sandys Arms Inn, Wickhamford Former Sandys Arms, 1 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford BANNER
7 Mill Cottage, Wickhamford Mill House Farm, Longdon Hill, Wickhamford BARRAND
28 13 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford 99 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford BAYLISS
32 15 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford 50 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford BEAN
68 35 Wickhamford 4 Manor Road, Wickhamford BENNETT
23 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford 91 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford BRADLEY
52 25 Wickhamford Hody's Place, Manor Road, Wickhamford (site of 4 cottages) BROTHERTON
57 Manor Cottage, Wickhamford Corner Cottage, Manor Road, Wickhamford BUTCHER
56 Wickhamford Manor, Wickhamford Wickhamford Manor, Manor Road, Wickhamford CARELESS; CRANE
6 The Farm, Wickhamford Orchard Court, Longdon Hill, Wickhamford CARTER; HAYMAN; SANFORD; FELIX
24 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford 93 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford COLLETT
65 32 Wickhamford 10 Manor Road, Wickhamford COLLEY
40 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford 6 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford (site of a prefab bungalow) COX
33 16 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford 46 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford COX
25 10 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford 93 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford COX
29 c/o Harbidge & Kendall (in a tent) In a tent, c/o Harbidge & Kendall, Wickhamford DARBYSHIRE
61 Wickhamford Brookfield Cottage, Manor Road, Wickhamford DRYSDALE; BRYAN
48 Wickhamford Weathervane Cottage, Manor Road, Wickhamford ELLISON
39 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford 10 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford EMPEY
22 9 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford 91 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford FIELD
8 3 Wickhamford 3 Longdon Hill, Wickhamford FIGGITT
15 Council Cottages, Wickhamford 9 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford FRANKLIN; HALFORD
9 4 Wickhamford 4 Longdon Hill, Wickhamford FREEMAN
67 34 Wickhamford 6 Manor Road, Wickhamford GRIFFIN; GREEN
20 7 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford 85 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford GROVE
59 28 Wickhamford HAINES
34 17 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford 44 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford HALFORD
19 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford 75Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford HALFORD
13 Council Cottages, Wickhamford 5 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford HALFORD; GLEED
18 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford 73 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford HAMPTON
54 1 Manor Cottages, Wickhamford 1 Manor Cottages, Manor Road, Wickhamford HARDIMAN
50 23 Wickhamford Hody's Place, Manor Road, Wickhamford (site of 4 cottages) HARTWELL; HACKLETT
45 Wickhamford Grey Gables, Manor Road, Wickhamford HERITAGE
46 Wickhamford Grey Gables, Manor Road, Wickhamford HERITAGE; SIMCOX
4 1 Longdon Hill, Wickhamford 1 Longdon Hill, Wickhamford HOLLAND
58 27 Wickhamford Oakenshore, 54 Manor Road, Wickhamford HOWELLS
41 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford 6 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford (site of a prefab bungalow) KING
36 19 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford 32 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford MASON
47 Glebe Cottage, Wickhamford The Old Vicarage, Manor Road, Wickhamford MASON
60 The Elms, Wickhamford Elm Farm, Manor Road, Wickhamford MASON
53 26 Wickhamford Hody's Place, Manor Road, Wickhamford (site of 4 cottages) MOISEY
35 18 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford 34 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford MOORE; COLLEY
16 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford 69 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford NEWBURY; MASON
55 2 Manor Cottages, Wickhamford 2 Manor Cottages, Manor Road, Wickhamford O'BRIEN
14 Council Cottages, Wickhamford 7 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford PARKER; PITMAN; CLARKE
51 24 Wickhamford Hody's Place, Manor Road, Wickhamford (site of 4 cottages) PEARCE
12 Wickhamford Coronation Villa, 3 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford PETHARD
37 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford 20 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford PETHARD; WARD
21 8 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford 87 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford PHIPPS
43 21 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford 2 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford PITMAN
62 No Sheet 42 Manor Road, Wickhamford PITMAN
17 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford 71 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford PITTS
1 The Cottage, Longdon Hill, Wickhamford Orchard Farm, Longdon Hill RAWLINGS
49 22 Wickhamford ROBBINS
44 Pitchers Hill Farm, Wickhamford Wickham House, Manor Road, Wickhamford SMITH
5 2 Longdon Hill, Wickhamford 2 Longdon Hill, Wickhamford SMITH; WILLS
10 5 Wickhamford 5 Longdon Hill, Wickhamford SOUTHERN
64 31 Wickhamford 12 Manor Road, Wickhamford STYLES
26 11 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford 95 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford SUTTON
3 The Homestead, Wickhamford Oxley House, Longdon Hill, Wickhamford SWIFT; VEAL; RIEDERICH; STURM; SLAVIK; ZAPOLA
42 20 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford 4 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford TAYLOR
38 Rose Bank, Wickhamford 16 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford TAYLOR
27 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford 97 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford THORNE
31 14 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford 52 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford TURNER; BELL
63 45 Wickhamford 40 Manor Road, Wickhamford WALTERS
66 33 Wickhamford 8 Manor Road, Wickhamford WALTERS; WAGSTAFF
30 Whitfurrows, Wickhamford Whitfurrows Farm, Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford WHEATLEY
2 Carrig, Longdon Hill, Wickhamford Longdon Court (site of house demolished latter part of 20th century) WOODALL; WATSON; REID
69 36 Wickhamford 2 Manor Road, Wickhamford WORMINGTON