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GEPP, Charles Granville (1844-1903) – Vicar of Badsey with Aldington

Reverend Charles Granville Gepp, referred to as “my second Vicar”, features in Chapter VIII of A H Savory’s Grain and Chaff from an English Manor:

My second Vicar was a scholar, an excellent preacher of very condensed sermons; he conducted the services with great dignity, but his manner to the villagers was a little alarming.  He found the old clerk somewhat officious, I think.  One evening, after service, when some strangers from Evesham attended – for Badsey was a pleasant walk on a summer evening – the clerk announced to the Vicar, with great jubilation, that “the gentleman with the party from Evesham expressed himself as very well satisfied with the service.”  The clerk imagined, I believe, that he was as much responsible for the conduct of the services as the Vicar, and thought the latter would be equally pleased with the stranger’s commendation.  He was disappointed, I fear, for the Vicar did not seem in the least impressed, showing, too, some annoyance at what doubtless appeared to him great presumption.

Details of Reverend Gepp's life may be found in an article about Vicars of Badsey.