Distinguished Service Order
Major Cyril Sladden was awarded the Distinguished Service Order (DSO) in 1918.
A copy of Order of the Day No 121, dated 9th October, stated:
In pursuance of the authority delegated to me by His Imperial Majesty the King Emperor I make the following award for gallantry and distinguished service in the field:
To be Companion of the Distinguished Service Order, Temporary Major Cyril Edgar Sladden MC the Worcestershire Regiment, for conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He handled his battalion with marked ability and daring throughout the day under most difficult circumstances. When the troops on his left flank had withdrawn he skilfully extricated his command from an awkward position, inflicting heavy losses on the enemy who greatly outnumbered him. His conduct was worthy of the highest praise.
W R Marshall, Commander in Chief MEF
This incident occurred at Baku in September when, owing to lack of support from Armenian troops, the British Force was placed in a dangerous position.
The date on the official certificate is 8th March 1919, but Cyril did not return to England until the end of March.
We are grateful to David Sladden (grandson of Cyril) for bringing Cyril's medal and certificate to the final Sladden letter-reading evening in 2017 and for allowing photos to be taken.
© The Sladden family descendants and by kind permission of the Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service (reference 9520 11ii 30) – copies also available at the Imperial War Museum (reference 60/98/3)