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Valuation Survey - Wickhamford (assessment number 967)

Assessment Number
National Archives Field Book Reference
Date Inspected
9 Jan 1915
Present-day Address or Approximate Location
The Manor

Property description

Agricultural Land
Estimated Extent
3a 2r 0p
Interest of Owner
The Manor
This return includes 1½ acres of asparagus, being part of Ordnance No 58 and now being valued with the remainder of that field under Return 1000. The ½ acre kitchen garden, ¾ acre market garden and 2 cottages are valued under Return 965 as is also about ½ acre of meadow now used for flower gardens. This valuation is therefore for about 3½ acres of meadow Part Ordnance No 67 & 67a. There is a Public footpath across this.

Occupier, owner and rent details

Occupier's name
George Compton LEES-MILNE
Owner's Name
George Compton LEES-MILNE
Address of Owner (as in Valuation Book or Provisional Valuation)
The Manor, Wickhamford
Rent Amount
Date of former sales (prior to Lady Day 1909) and cost
7 Oct 1907 - £500 (subsequent expenditure: £100 17s 10d)

Valuation details

Gross Value (amount which the land might be expected to make on the open market, free of any encumbrances)£230
Full Site Value (amount which remained after deducting the value of the buildings, etc, from the gross value of the land)£210
Total Value (gross value, with deductions made for any fixed charges, rights of way and rights of common)£220
Assessable Site Value£200
Deductions for timber (when working out the full site value)£8
Deductions for other things growing or on the land (when working out the full site value)£12
Deductions made for fixed charges, etc (when working out the Total Value)£20
Deductions made for things such as easements, tithes, public rights of way when arriving at market value£10 (public right of way - footpath and occupation road)

Provisional valuation and sale details

Provisional Valuation Date Confirmed
Not served 22/3/1915

Additional information

Land Valuation Survey Maps
Views maps (E&F)