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Zoom Lecture - Happy Birthday Synehurst! Celebrating 100 years


The first Council houses to be built in Badsey were those on the west side of Synehurst, beginning to be occupied from July 1920 onwards.  Maureen Spinks invited people to take a trip down memory lane as she described some of the first people to live there, many of whom were the families of returning soldiers. 

A good number of the original tenants remained living there for the rest of their lives, and some houses saw long associations with the same family, with tenancies being taken on by children and grandchildren.  

As a birthday present for each of the current occupants, they were given a copy of Aldington and Badsey: Villages in the Vale, as it includes a chapter by Will Dallimore about council housing.  We understand the owner of one of the houses was making a birthday cake!

If you missed the lecture, a comprehensive article describes each of the houses.  Copies of the Powerpoint slides shown at the lecture may be viewed below.